‘Time you did.’ He reached her breasts. ‘But only with me.’

‘Ellie Summers, porn star.’

‘Ellie Summers, ultimate temptation.’ He thumbed her taut nipple and looked up at her skeptical expression. ‘You don’t believe me?’

‘I think you’re quite good at saying nice things.’

‘I’m quite good at doing nice things too. Things that feel nice.’ He returned to task.

‘Oh, my,’ she breathed.

‘You’ve never watched a woman be pleasured?’

‘You’re wicked.’ Heat flushed through her.

‘Watch while I do that for you,’ he muttered.


She’d never been very visual when it came to sex. She liked it in the dark, under the covers, the wobbly bits mostly out of the way. But the temperature in here was scorching—there was no way she wanted a sheet on her. And seeing a guy this built, on his knees in front of her. Yeah, that played to her hitherto unknown inner exhibitionist. She liked it. She liked what he was doing even more.

He cradled her breasts in his hands as if they were treasures he’d spent centuries searching for. His hands stroked down her sides, his palms flat, his reach broad and sure. He held her hips still as he bent forward to kiss her—from breast to breast, down her sternum. She lifted her hands, ran her fingers through his hair—so simple, but it was what she desired most. His kisses made her tummy tauten. His grip on her hips firmed as she unconsciously began to rock nearer him.

His smile was pleased. ‘Getting warmer?’

She shook her head. ‘Need more.’

She watched him tending to her, drank in the play of muscles across his broad back. His body was beautiful—big in the right places, but lean so that definition could be seen. His butt taut, muscles clenching as he thrust his hips slightly in time to his nips and kisses on her breasts. Oh he was gorgeous. He reached to cup her other breast as his tongue lashed her nipple. She felt like a prized lover, in the care of masculine perfection. She lifted her gaze and looked at her own face. The flush in her cheeks, the heavy-lidded darkness of her eyes. The full-lipped smile, her skin grazed by his stubbled jaw. She looked the picture of hedonism. And he was her expert, demanding slave.

‘You know I’ll do anything you want.’ He paused to look up at her.

Oh, yeah, captive lover. Her lungs were drawing in pure fire. ‘Everything.’ And now, because she was almost there already.

She put her hands on the top of her thighs, rubbing hard—applying pressure herself to try to ease the ache there. The desperate need for the pleasure of his weight, his invasion. His eyes glowed, tracking the slow, strong slide of her fingers. He put his hands over hers, spread her legs further, wider for him.

‘Impatient, aren’t you?’ he murmured, his breath teasing her as he moved closer.

But to her infinite relief and exquisite torture, he bent his head and licked her there. A slow, lush taste.

She cried out, tightening her fingers on herself, hovering. ‘Ruben.’

He lifted his head the merest fraction. ‘Say—’ a slide of his finger ‘—my name again.’

‘Ruben,’ she whispered.

He blew a shot of warm tormenting air above, while working his fingers inside. ‘Say it again.’

‘Ruben,’ she pleaded, her body constricting.

His expression darkened. ‘Scream it.’ He bent forward and feasted.

She shrieked his name to the sky.

His hands remained hard on her thighs, mercilessly keeping her still for him, so he could continue applying his own brand of ecstatic torment. His tongue thrust deep, just as she wanted his erection to, or his fingers again, any part of him—just more.Allof him. She threw her head back, her shriek not abating. Her hands clutched, trying to draw him closer. Wanting him to mount her, wanting him to ride her. Wanting it all harder than she ever had. Because she wanted as she never had. Oh, it was utter hedonism. She was spent, yetstarving.She shook with the force of release, the savage orgasmic contractions going on and on. Until she begged over and over, ‘I want you.’

He looked up, his fingers tracing back and forth softly across her slick, sensitive entrance. ‘You want me to what?’

Panting, she swore at the amusement in his eyes. ‘You know already.’