She’d been in a helicopter before but not one as light as this or as plush inside. They zoomed, over the plains, heading further south, the mountains to their right. Then he pointed out the lodge so she got her bearings. He flew super low to follow the river in the valley, then up high, so close to the mountains, a breath away from the splash of a towering waterfall...
But she sat completely still in her seat. Her pulse slammed, her thoughts disordered—anticipation screwing with her head. They flew over one mountain, deeper into the range and there, hidden from possible view from anywhere other than the air, was an alpine lake. One of those that belonged in ancient myth and legend. Steely blue and still. He brought the helicopter down, landing on a small smooth edge.
‘Come on,’ he invited her.
He’d been here many times before, she could tell, and she totally got why. It was the most amazing colour, reflecting the cold clarity of the sky. It really was the scene from some ancient mystical, alternate world story—just like the movies. Only real. Fantastically real.
‘It’s beautiful.’ It was so awe-inspiring she couldn’t think of any words to fully describe the reaction within her. The reality of pure, unadulterated fantasy.
‘It’s also icy cold so don’t dive in, because I don’t want to have to jump in and rescue you.’
She laughed, glad he’d lightened the intensity. And yes, she did have the urge to dive in. It looked so inviting and, hey, maybe it would cool her burning senses.
She found a small flat stone and tried skimming it across the lake. He foraged in the short tussock for more and they had a contest for a while. And all that while—longer really—her ability to resist him curled into a smaller and smaller ball.
‘We haven’t talked about it,’ he said, aiming another flat pebble across the lake.
‘About what?’
‘That phone call.’
She felt the flush ripple like a wave from her toes to the tip of her scalp. ‘Oh.’
Oh was right—the guy had turned her on to nuclear with nothing but a few suggestions. Phone sex—a total first.
‘It’s not going to happen.’
‘What?’ she asked, confused.
‘You being with anyone else.’
Oh, he meantthatconversation?
‘No one else, Ellie.’ He turned to face her—all arrogance. ‘You know you can’t. Not until you’ve had enough of me.’
Oh, that wasn’t fair—what if she’dneverhad enough of him? Because he’d have enough of her all too soon, she just knew it.
‘So you have a choice to make.’
‘I do?’
‘Uh-huh.’ He turned and skimmed another stone across the water. It bounced seven times. ‘We could stay up here the night.’
‘Just beyond that ridge there’s a hut.’
This was why he’d brought her to an utterly isolated spot. Because he wanted... whatshewanted.
‘We could spend the night up here or we could go back to the station in the helicopter. I should warn you there’s only one bed in the hut and it’s not very big.’
Ellie’s brain whirled—and then she stared up at the completely blue sky. ‘It looks to me like there’s a storm coming. It might be safer to stay up here.’
He walked towards her, holding her gaze imprisoned in his despite shaking his head. ‘No storm, Ellie. No games. Just be honest. Do you want another night with me or not?’
Oh, his whole approach was outrageous. Excitement scudded in her belly, her innermost muscles stretching and flexing already. ‘What kind of a question is that?’
‘Just answer it.’