She bit her lip, her need to know overwhelming. Her hidden aches opening wide again. ‘Seeing me what?’ She hardly formed the words.

‘You like my hand between your thighs.’

She sucked in a shocked breath.

‘You do,’ he insisted. ‘It’s one of your favourite things. It makes you come.’

She couldn’t deny it.

‘Do you wish my hand was there now?’

She rolled slightly, closing her eyes as she sank deeper into the bed—deeper into the half-dreamland he was conjuring with those low words.

‘I know how hungry you are. How impatient you get,’ he said, relentless now in his seduction. ‘You have your hand between your thighs now, pretending it’s mine.’ She gripped the phone harder. Her other hand curled exactly where he said, unable to resist the temptation.

‘I know what you’re going to do,’ he said.

‘What would that be?’ She clenched her upper thighs together hard. The tension spiked her need higher. Every sense sharpened—her hearing acute, her skin a receptor of pleasure.

A soft pause, enough for her to sense this was no tease now. He was sharing an intimate truth—his private fantasy—and entwining it with hers. So intensely personal.

‘You think of me. You can’t help but touch.’

She’d been holding her breath so long, now a tiny gasp escaped.

‘You have to touch. You touch where you want me to touch you. How you want me to touch you.’

She screwed her eyes tighter at the intimacy in his tone. The assurance of that direction. ‘And what do you do?’

Another deep sigh. ‘I want to watch, to listen, but I want to touch too. And then all I can think of is you riding me hard.’ He swore. ‘You rode me so good.’

Ellie trembled, holding back the release that was a single stroke away. They were having unintentional, accidental phone sex? How had that happened?

She turned her burning cheek, shifted her damp body onto a cool stretch of cotton sheet. Absorbing the chill, desperate to restore sanity. ‘Ruben,’ she whispered. ‘I have to go now.’

‘Ellie,’ he whispered back.


‘Dream of me.’

She had been for weeks. Every damn night.


He didn’tcallfor a couple of days, which was frankly a record. And the next time he did, she knew there was something they needed to get in the open if this was ever going to work out. She darted to the nearest bathroom for some privacy to talk to him, staring at her pale, sleep-lacking skin in the mirror.

‘You know that if... if you meet up with someone else, you don’t have to keep it secret from me. You can tell me. Okay?’ She held her breath.

His answer was so long coming she’d nearly turned blue.

‘Okay,’ he said slowly. ‘Same for you.’

‘Of course.’ She breathed out painfully. As if she could meet anyone as gorgeous as him.

‘Have you met up with anyone else?’ he asked.

‘No. No.’