The key to success—she’d just rendered him speechless. Out of control was fast approaching, for both of them. She shimmied towards him. ‘I’m dancing to country, you know, in my head.’

‘As I can’t hear it, that’s just fine.’

* * *

She spent the night in his arms. Sleeping with him. All night. Relaxed. Secure. Everything she’d wanted, from the wrong man—the emotional vacuum that was Daniel Graydon. Fate was nasty. He rose early. From his bed she watched through the open door as he shaved and showered. He walked back through. Silent. She could see he was miles away, no doubt already mentally slugging it out in the courtroom. He dressed. Dark suit, white shirt, dark tie. Her passionate, playful lover disappeared under the guise, turned into a frowning figure. Austere. She hated it.

Then he surprised her by turning to her with a smile that made her forget his clothing. ‘Walk with me. Come and see where I work.’

She didn’t want to. She really didn’t want to. ‘Why?’

He shrugged. ‘Why not? A walk in the early-morning sun will do you some good.’

She slipped from the bed and pretended to ignore the growing glitter in his eyes as she stepped into her jeans.

‘Do you always go commando?’

She grinned and shook her head.

‘I’m not sure I believe you. Every time I tell you to get dressed you don’t bother with underwear.’

‘It’s the rebel in me. I’m doing as asked but not all the way. My little act of defiance.’

He chuckled. ‘Yeah. That figures.’

Daniel had left all the files at the office to be brought over by his team so, other than his briefcase, he was unburdened on the walk. They called into the café and got coffee to go.

‘You don’t want food?’ Lucy asked.

‘Maybe later,’ he answered distractedly.

She swiped a banana from the bowl on the counter and added it to her purchase.

As they headed into lawyerville Lucy’s feeling of intimidation grew. Insecure, threatened, she thought she saw everyone looking her way. Conscious of her ancient jeans and less-than-fresh top, she had a needy moment. ‘They probably think I’m one of your clients.’

‘Probably,’ Daniel answered carelessly.

He stopped walking and turned to her, briefcase in one hand while the other lifted to her face. Then he combed his fingers through her hair, cupping the back of her head and pulling her close. The kiss was sweltering. Hot, hungry, open. No restraint. His briefcase hit the ground as his other hand slipped beneath the waistband of her jeans and curved around her bare buttock, squeezing gently. Just as suddenly it was over.

She snaked in a breath and wished they were miles away from here. Together, alone and naked.

Daniel grinned at her. ‘Now they don’t.’

She glanced around the group of lawyers. Saw them swapping stunned looks.

‘You’re a bad influence on me, Lucy.’

‘Why’s that?’

‘You have me liking to shock people.’

She handed him the banana. ‘To keep your energy up.’

He took it with a smile and went to join his team.

Not liking the way he fitted in so perfectly with them she turned and walked—fast, almost smacking straight into Sarah.

‘Hello, Lucy.’ She had a frozen smile pinned to her face and icicles in her eyes. Lucy knew she wasn’t cutting the mustard as far as Sarah was concerned. She knew Sarah had seen that shattering kiss. She’d looked shocked, though not half as shocked as Lucy.