‘When I asked him for his blessing. It was a pretty frank talk.’ He looked rueful. ‘But he reckoned it’s impossible to control feelings or to stop them, but that it’s better to accept them. And then to deal with them.’ He laced his fingers through hers. ‘I want to deal with my love for you. Now and every day to come.’

And then he did—showing her the tenderness she’d made him feel, the happiness she’d brought to life in him. She cried as he told her, showed her, loved her. And she held him, loved him, until he shook in her arms.

‘Not alone,’ she whispered. ‘Not any more.’

He buried his hot face in her neck and she stroked him until both their tears were spent.

‘Are we staying here?’ She was finally back on earth and able to absorb something of her surroundings.

‘For a few days.’

‘Then why do you have my passport?’

He chuckled. ‘So you couldn’t say no and run away overseas.’

‘I’d only want to run away with you.’

‘And we will. Very soon. But I thought we could decide where together.’ He twirled her hair round his finger. ‘You’re tired.’

She was. But so happy. She snuggled closer to him and discovered she wasn’tthattired. ‘Once was not enough, Lorenzo.’

‘Demanding wench.’ He rose onto his elbow. ‘You’re always asking me for more.’

She laughed. ‘And isn’t it just such a hardship for you?’ ‘No,’ he said, pulling her closer, binding her in his arms. ‘It’s heaven.’

Pure heaven.


Read on for the start of Teasing Her Grumpy Boss (the one where opposites attract)

When incompatible meets uncontrollable…


You always preplan your activities

You find putting things in order satisfying

You think that rational analysis is the best approach in all situations

You’re constantly monitor progress

It’s essential for you to try things with your own hands

Objective feedback is always helpful

You enjoy an active and fast-paced environment

You have good control of your desires into temptations

You find it difficult to switch off from your job

You believe justice is more important than mercy

You enjoy the challenge of competition

You rely on racing rather than intuition