He turned to face her. ‘Will you marry me?’ It was only once he’d asked it that he looked directly into her eyes.
She blinked, stunned at the question that had come so suddenly out of the blue. ‘Yes. Of course I will.’ Her heart thudded hard enough to burst from her chest.
But he didn’t smile. Didn’t look even a smidge more relaxed. He just jerked his head in a sharp negating gesture. ‘But will you marry me right now?’
She stared from him, to the church in front of them.‘Now?’
‘Right now.’ He sat still as marble.
‘Of course I will.’ She answered in a heartbeat.
‘You’re sure? You’re absolutely sure?’ He was the colour of marble too.
‘Yes,’ she said. ‘But are you?’
He smiled then. It was as if the full power of the sun had burst through the storm clouds—scattering them to the furthest edge of the universe. He got out of the car, strode round to her door and opened it.
She stepped out carefully, looking cautiously at him as he took her hand and led her to the closed doors of the old church.
‘We can’t really get married now can we?’ She climbed the stairs doubtfully. She didn’t think there was a minister in there—there wasn’t a car in the yard, there didn’t seem to be another soul around for miles.
Unless he meant to do some little personal made-up thing for just the two of them? Well, that would be fine by her. She wanted to be with him. She was happy.
He pulled the heavy door open and was a half-step behind her as she went in. She blinked in the dim light, suddenly saw the movement. The turning of heads. The smiles.
The church was full of people.Full.
She looked at Lorenzo—saw the colour had leeched from his skin again. A tall streak came flying up the aisle to her.
‘Rosanna, what are you doing here?’ Sophy asked, utterly shocked.
‘I’m your bridesmaid, silly.’
‘You’re serious.’ Sophy stared. ‘You’re not serious.’
‘I’m dead serious,’ said Rosanna.
‘So did you mean it?’ Lorenzo asked quietly. ‘You’ll marry me right now?’
‘No, I need at least ten minutes with her first.’ Rosanna again.
Sophy ignored Rosanna. Took a step closer to him, reached up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his.
‘Five minutes, okay?’ He whispered, cupping her jaw. ‘Don’t be late.’
She saw the anxiety hidden not so deep in his eyes. ‘I won’t be.’
Rosanna dragged her by the hand, out of the church and around the back to the vestry entrance. ‘Didn’t you hear the man? Five minutes is all we have.’
‘You’re not wearing black.’ Sophy stared at her stupidly.
‘It’s a wedding, not a funeral.’
Sophy clapped her hand over her mouth to stop the crazed giggle bursting out.
‘Ta da.’ Rosanna held up the hanger.
Sophy’s jaw dropped and she took a few steps closer. ‘Where did you find it?’