“I thought that we ought to become acquainted with one another. Since we are about to become family,” said Ewan.

“You have something that belongs to me.”

“By that, I suppose you mean your daughter? A bit old-fashioned, don’t you think?”

He spread his hands over his desk. Shiny, glossy and wide. He was wearing a sharply cut suit. His American vowels were broad, out of place almost, and Ewan had a feeling Hargreave traded on that. “I’m a traditional man.”

Ewan nodded. “And so am I. It’s why the two of us are getting married before we welcome the child. I don’t care, of course, and my love for her transcends such ridiculous notions as marriage. But I do want to do the right thing by her. Or the right thing by you.”

“What do you want?”

“I want nothing. Except for you to stay away from my wife.”

“She’s not your wife yet. And she was my daughter first.”

“She left. She doesn’t want to be with you. I have to warn you that I take it very seriously and very personally if anyone makes what’s mine feel threatened.”

“It’s funny. I was going to say that I take it very seriously and personally when somebody takes what’s mine,” said Hargreave.

“Again. Your daughter removed herself from your possession. She doesn’t want to be in your life. And you will respect that.”

“Do you think I couldn’t have you all eliminated? You, the baby. My daughter is of some use to me, but the rest of you...”

Ewan fought back blinding, violent rage. He had to stay cool. Make it clear he was in control here. He could not let emotion lead him.

It was the strength of the emotion that shocked him. “Do you think I can’t have the same done to you? And now if something happens it will be easily traced back to you. Isn’t that the only thing keeping you here, in this office building? That plausible deniability. But now you’ve made threats, and I’ve heard them. And I will make sure that it’s known far and wide unless you steer clear of us. I know that you’re a powerful man, but you have no idea who I am. Not really. The whole world doesn’t know who I am. But I’m happy to introduce them.”

“A compelling speech. You are nothing and no one to me. A playboy billionaire.”

“A member of one of Scotland’s oldest and most important families. Descendent of the clans in the Highlands. Back then, I simply would’ve taken a broadsword and separated your head from your shoulders. We were given this land and title by the British. But I’m from Clan McKenzie. And it is rooted deep in our history and our blood to keep our women safe. Our children safe. And it suits me to have the world think of me as a playboy. Have you never thought of that? In much the same way it suits you to have the world believe that you’re some sort of altruistic businessman. Someone who is always adjacent to dangerous things, but it can never fully be attributed to you. That benefits you for obvious reasons. But you’ve never stopped to ask if it might benefit someone else? Are you too much of a narcissist?”

“You’re on dangerous ground.”

“Unlikely. Since I own much of the ground. I could buy this out from under you tomorrow. You might have a criminal empire. Worth millions. I’m worth billions. Your fortune could be mine in mere seconds. At the snap of my finger. The only thing that could give you an edge on me is if I was not as ruthless as you. But I am. Stay away from her. And if you don’t, expect that retribution will be swift.”

“I could have you killed now.” But he could see that he’d struck a chord with Hargreave.

“You know it’s strange. I’ve already called the police. They’re outside. If something were to happen to me... Well, that would be inconvenient. They know that I’m here.”

“Such a powerful man you have to call the cops?”

“Such a powerful man I have contacts everywhere. And I’ll use them. Don’t forget it.”

He turned and walked out of the office, and he didn’t look back over his shoulder, for no matter that the other man was issuing threats, he refused to let him put him on the back foot. He refused.

Then he walked out into the sun and smiled. This was back in hand.

Nothing was ever going to change his past.

But today he’d been a different man. Today he hadn’t been the playboy. He had done the right thing, and it was a novel enough concept to make him feel.

And now. He had a wedding to plan.


“SHOPPINGFORWEDDINGdresses is supposed to be fun,” said Jessie, pacing the length of the room in the estate.

“It will be,” said Maren.