“Never again,” he said, a growl. “From now on, you’re in my bed. No excuses.”
His hands moved over me, massaging and stroking my ass, then he jerked the thong down. I stepped out of it, and he threw it in the direction of my bra.
Standing up, he scooped me into his arms and sat on the king-sized bed. I turned so I straddled him.
He made another rough, growly sound, one that vibrated in my chest and stomach. He pinched my nipples, caressed my waist and hips.
I, in turn, wrapped my fingers around his length, squeezing and releasing, rubbing the tip against my opening.
He pulled my hand away and turned us, laying me down on the soft sea-green coverlet. He kissed his way down my body, nuzzling my inner thighs.
My breath jerked in and out. I wanted him inside me, but first, I wanted to tell him about his gift. I propped myself on my forearms, trying to order my spinning thoughts.
“I have something for you.”
“I don’t need anything but this.” He licked up my sex, swirling his tongue around my clit.
I took another deep, jagged breath. “This, you want.”
I came up a little higher so I could set my hand against his cheek. My hair was held back by tiny clips, but I used my free hand to pull it away from the right side of my neck, offering him my throat.
His eyes cut to mine. “You want me to drink from you?”
I nodded. Excitement shivered over my skin.
He crawled up my body. “You’re sure?”
His eyes darkened. “You are. I can feel it. Oh, sweetheart. This is going to be so good.”
He gave me a hard, hungry kiss, then grabbed a condom from a drawer and rolled it on. “Scoot up higher on the bed.”
I pushed the coverlet down and positioned myself further up the sheets. He took himself in hand and came on the bed, moving between my bent legs and stroking me with his erection. The walls of my sex constricted, like it was trying to pull him inside. Then he was there, filling and stretching me and sending pleasure pulsing through me.
His eyes were rimmed blue, his face hard, a little dangerous. But I felt his strength, his control, and I wasn’t at all afraid, just turned on.
He kissed my neck, thrusting in and out. I twined my arms and legs around him, taking him as deeply as I could, showing him how much I wanted this.
He interlaced his fingers through mine and pressed them onto the bed on either side of my head. Holding me down so he could move in and out at the pace he set. Dominating me with his body while his fangs teased my throat.
I sucked in a breath as heat swirled in my belly. I felt a tiny quake of fear then, but it just sharpened the pleasure. Because this was Zaq, and I loved and trusted him.
He sank his fangs into my carotid and my body arched off the bed. He withdrew and thrust back in, deeper, rougher.
I felt like I was being possessed. Taken. Devoured.
He was right, it was the best fucking I’d ever had. Like fireworks were going off in my head and around the bed.
“Yesyesyes,” I cried out and “Please, please, please.”
I was shattering, breaking apart. And then he did something with his pelvis that pressed against the perfect spot and sent me flying, the pinwheels and bottle rockets and Roman candles exploding around and in me.
He released my throat, licking the marks, and pounded into me, not so controlled now.
Some instinct made me rear up and sink my teeth into his throat. I wasn’t even aware I was doing it until I tasted him in my mouth.
I drank deep and he gave a raw groan. “Gods, that feels so good.”