I swallowed. What was my problem?
The reasons we couldn’t be together seemed to have fallen away.
I’d survived his father. I was pretty sure that Karoly and I could come to an understanding. I’d guard his son even in those camps that Zaq insisted on traveling to without security, and Karoly would allow me to live.
Zaq was still a syndicate prince, but I was no longer a slayer. That was painful for me to think about—crushingly so—but the upside was that I could be with him.
So what was holding me back?
Zaq heaved a breath and dropped my hand. “Scratch that. You don’t owe me a fucking thing. Let’s get on the plane.”
I grabbed his arm.
Zaq’s gaze searched mine. “What are you afraid of?”
That I don’t deserve you. That I don’t deserve anyone.
The answer came from the deepest part of me, the part that was still curled up with the twelve-year-old Ridley in her hideout, hands clamped over her ears to block out her mom’s cries.
The twelve-year-old who felt guilty for surviving when her mom had died.
My mouth worked. “That I don’t deserve you,” I blurted.
His brows snapped together. “What—?”
A black sports car zoomed up, interrupting us.
Zaq gave a pissed-off growl and whipped his head around. Then his eyes widened. “That’s Gabriel’s car.”
A younger, raven-haired, green-eyed version of Karoly Kral emerged from the driver’s side.
My hand had gone to the switchblade in my right pocket. I released it and stepped back as the oldest Dark Angel strode toward us.
A broad smile split Zaq’s face. “We’ll talk later,” he told me.
He waited for my nod, then hurried toward his brother. Their arms came around each other in a hard hug.
Tears stung my eyes. It made me so happy to see Zaq happy.
Zaq pulled back. “What the fuck are you doing here? What about Camila? She made it through the transition?”
“Last night.” Gabriel grimaced. “It’s been the worst week of my life. You were missing, and she was going through a living hell. But she did it.”
“Well, damn.” Zaq pounded him on the back. “That’s great. Just great.”
“Congratulate me.” His brother’s mouth widened in a proud smile. “I’m a mated man.”
“I heard. And yeah, congratulations, man. That’s good news. The best. She with you?” Zaq peered into the sports car. The only passenger was a man in dark glasses who was obviously a member of Gabriel’s security.
“I left her in Montauk planning a flower farm.”
Zaq’s brows climbed. “A flower farm?” he repeated in a neutral tone of voice.
Gabriel grinned. “An organic flower farm, yet. It’s what she wants. She’s going to start with two acres on my property, then expand from there.”
Zaq made an amused sound. “I can just picture Father’s reaction to that.”
His brother moved a shoulder. “He won’t care as long as she gives me an heir or two. But what about you? Where the hell have you been hiding? And what’s this I hear about a slayer?”