My heart hurt for her. I released her hand so I could rub her lower back.
She might be a rogue, but she was still about to betray the organization that had given her a home, a purpose, a reason for living. SI wasn’t a job to her; it was her surrogate family.
“Tell me something first,” she said. “In fact, I want your word on it. The only thing you’ve requested is a voice on SI’s Board, is that right? You’re not spreading lies about us and demanding the organization be dismantled.”
My father looked taken aback. “No. Absolutely not. As I said, the vampire world needs you slayers. I agreed to that back when SI was first incorporated.”
“I see.” Pain flashed across Ridley’s face. She took her hand from her pocket. Released a noisy breath. “Then yes,” she said. “I will tell your allies everything I know about Op A.”
Blood rushed to my head. My skin prickled. A feeling of unreality descended, like I observed the scene from the outside.
Had I really agreed to help Karoly Kral in his fight against Slayers, Inc.?
I swallowed and rubbed my palms over my thighs.
So many lies Crow had told me. So goddamn many lies.
I couldn’t go back and change things. All I could do was make this right going forward.
Zaq was speaking. I forced myself to focus on his words.
“There’s more,” he told his father. “Yesterday morning we were attacked in the underworld. Four of Spider’s men. Apparently someone put out a hit on me and Ridley for half a million. Ridley took a blade to the side.”
Karoly nodded. “Xavier mentioned that on the way here. You took care of the men?”
“They’re all four in their final graves.” Zaq quirked his mouth at me. “We make a good team, me and her. Anyway, Ridley thought they might’ve been sent by SI, but Xavier texted me something about a Paris connection.
“He told me that as well,” said Karoly. “That the bounty is being paid by the Paris Syndicate.”
“What did he say, exactly?” Zaq asked.
“That whoever succeeds in killing you should apply to Philippe Moreau for payment.”
Zaq and I exchanged a glance. “So Moreau’s behind it?” he asked.
“It appears so,” said his father.
“Why am I not surprised?” Zaq muttered.
“I already knew Philippe was behind Zaquiel’s kidnapping,” his father added. “Rafael and Zoe Tremblay verified that. I’ve spoken to Leo de Froulay, and Philippe was reprimanded for his part in detaining my sons, and stripped of his rank as enforcer. This hit on Zaq could be his way of striking back at me.”
I shook my head, trying to make sense of this new information. “But why me? Why not just Zaq? If SI isn’t behind the hit, why would the hit include me? Unless…”
I blinked rapidly. This couldn’t be related to my being Leo de Froulay’s spawn, could it?
“That, we’ll have to determine.” Karoly set his wine glass on the coffee table. “Here’s what I want you to do. For now, I want you both to stay undercover. Don’t go out without a glamour. Let Slayers, Inc. worry about where you are. Meanwhile, I’ll put out the word that I have evidence that SI targeted my sons. We’ll say you fought them off. It’s close to the truth, and I’d prefer not to give anyone an excuse to think you’re vulnerable. In the meantime, I’ll consider the best way to use Ridley and her information.”
I nodded, still numb but agreeing with his logic. “I have one stipulation. I won’t give you any intel that can be used against another slayer. We’re not the problem. The BOD is.” My mouth twisted. “And maybe my alpha.”
“Her alias is Crow,” added Zaq.
Karoly’s mouth flattened, but he must have seen I wouldn’t budge on this point. “Agreed.”
“But instead of us hunkering down here,” said Zaq, “I have a better idea. While I was in that cell, I made myself a promise—that when I got out, I’d personally send Moreau to his final grave. So if Ridley agrees, the two of us will go to Paris and stake the bastard ourselves. You can arrange a private jet so no one knows it’s us.”