Page 159 of Taken

“Yep. Take two or three, actually. Wanna spar with me?”

“Yeah.” I shot him a grateful look. “I’m going crazy here.”

The corner of his mouth twitched up. “I noticed.”

I hefted several blades, testing their weight and feel, before deciding on a pair of identical switchblades with stainless steel handles. I released the knives and traced a pattern in the air with them. “These’ll work.”

Zaq selected two switchblades for himself. “I’m not as good as you with the left hand, but I’ll give it a try.”

He moved a couch and a couple of chairs to the side of the room, and we faced off on a large kilim rug.

“Step off the rug and you lose,” he said. “Otherwise, first person with three touches wins the round.”

I nodded my agreement, and we circled each other, moving slowly, testing out moves. I was stiff—everywhere—and my wound twinged every time I raised my arm too high.

I worked through the stiffness until my muscles loosened.

Zaq parried my first thrusts but kept circling without attempting to strike at me. It took me a minute to realize he was giving me time to warm up. Making sure I didn’t overdo it.

Taking care of me.

Warmth bloomed in my chest like a big fat flower and spread to my mouth. I was still feeling good from laughing with him. From knowing that he wanted a chance with me.

That good feeling made me grin at Zaq. A wide, happy grin.

His brows raised. “What?”

“Nothing. Just—” I retracted my blades and leaned in for a kiss. “That.”

His lips clung to mine. “If this is a sneaky plan to distract me, it’s working.”

I grinned and danced back as his arms closed around me. He gave a play-growl and let me go.

I extended the blades again and feinted right, then came in left. The first touch was mine.

The next one, he must have been watching for the shift in weight because he was ready for me, parrying the move. He came back at me in an underhand thrust and touched the tip of his knife to my ribbed tank between my breasts.

The next touch was again mine.

He was still holding back, but I was practical enough to accept that. It felt good to move, but if I didn’t take it easy I was going to end up back in bed.

Zaq got a touch, but I slipped one under his guard a moment later and won the first round. The next round went to him by one point.

He flashed me a grin, and I saluted him with a switchblade, not caring that I’d lost, just enjoying the game.

We returned to the center of the rug. He eyed my flushed face. “One more round, badass. Then you’re going to lie down.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, doctor.”

His smile was pure fallen angel. “On second thought, I believe you need a thorough examination before you undertake any more physical activity. Just to make sure you’re okay.”

I tilted my head and pursed my lips. “I do have a hurt that you need to kiss better.”

He grabbed my hand and marched me down the hall and into his bedroom. “Take off your clothes.” He used his Prince Zaquiel voice, the one that made my lower abdomen all hot and liquid.

I obeyed, taking my time about it. Enjoying how his green eyes darkened.

When I was naked, he curved a hand around my nape and pulled me up against his still-clothed body. He nipped my earlobe. “Tell me where it hurts.”