Ridley moistened her cracked lips. I released her hand and brought the wine to her mouth again. She took a small sip, but when I tried to get her to drink more, she pushed the glass away.
I put it down and turned back to her. I would’ve preferred to tell her to rest, that it could wait, but her urgency had communicated itself to me.
I touched her cheek. “I’m listening.”
“Back at the Garnet. She was there.”
Understanding dawned. “The woman in the alley?”
Ridley nodded. “She took me off the op. Wanted to know where you were. I gave her an address…in Brooklyn.”
“I see.” I frowned, working it out in my head. “So you lied to your alpha. In fact, you should have left me last night. You shouldn’t even have met me in Times Square. Is that what you’re saying?”
“Yes. I’m…a rogue.”
“A rogue?” I sat back abruptly. “A rogue slayer?”
She squeezed her eyes shut like it hurt even to think it. “Yes.”
I swore under my breath. “So they want you dead. They put out a hit on both of us. It’s not my father, it’s SI. They’re trying to take us both out.”
“I don’t know. But maybe—?” She moved a shoulder. “I’m on your side now, Zaq. And my alpha wants you dead. I think she’s always wanted your whole family dead—you, your brothers, your father. And when she sets her sights on something, nothing stops her.”
The vampire beast awakened. I felt my eyes change, blue rimming the irises. When I spoke, my voice sounded harsh in my ears. “I’ll keep you safe.”
Her gaze bounced between my eyes. I knew she saw the vampire, but for the first time she didn’t recoil or tense. That was progress, and it calmed me a little.
“It’s not me I’m worried about,” she said.
“Too bad. They touch you, and I won’t stop until the whole damn organization goes up in flames.”
“No.” She moved her head from side to side against the pillow. “I…don’t want that.”
I growled. “You think I’m going to stand by and let them kill you?”
“Please.” She caught my hand, her breath coming in short, agitated pants. “I’ll help…as soon as…I’m better. But…wait.”
“Okay, okay.” I brought her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss to her soft skin. “Calm down. I’m not doing anything tonight anyway—I’m staying right here with you until I’m sure you’re better. Plus, Xavier is going to a Kral speakeasy to see what he can find out.”
“Okay.” She closed her eyes, the spurt of energy gone like she’d sprung a leak.
My heart constricted. She appeared so small and vulnerable against the gray sheets.
Enough. Stripping off my T-shirt, I got back into bed and brought her mouth to my throat.
“Drink, baby. Please. You have to get better.”
She made a small, negative sound and turned her head away.
“Damn it, Ridley.” I guided her back to my throat, but she’d passed out again.
I held her to my heart. “I’ll keep you safe,” I murmured, silently vowing to protect her with everything I had.
My position. My money. My life.
I left her sleeping and went into the living room to try and catch Xavier, but he’d already left, so I buzzed the second floor on the intercom and asked him to come back to the loft.
“Be right there,” he said.