Page 122 of Taken

I pressed my point, even though I felt like a slimeball. Karoly was his father, after all. But if Zaq didn’t act soon, he was dead.

Crow wouldn’t hold off much longer.

“If you don’t stop your father, Rafael and Gabriel are next—if he hasn’t already staked them.”

“You don’t give a flying fuck about my brothers.”

I flinched. He was right—but he was also wrong.

I did care about his brothers, but only because they mattered to Zaq. And he mattered to me.

Rafe Kral came out of the restaurant, Zoe Tremblay held protectively against his side.

Zaq straightened and stared down at his brother like a pointer spotting a bird, muscles locked so tight they trembled with the strain.

“Karoly must have a reason for not killing him yet,” I murmured.

He speared me with his gaze. “Like what?”

I moved a shoulder and scanned the street. All these Kral vampires swarming the premises were making me edgy. We get the hell out of here before we got caught.

Zaq expelled a breath and rose to his feet. “I have to think.”

I stood as well and put a hand on his arm. “Where’re you going?”

He jerked from my grip. “Don’t. Touch. Me.”

I pressed my lips together. He might as well have doubled up his fists and slammed them into my gut. It would’ve hurt less.

He rubbed a hand over his face. “Sorry.” His chest heaved. “I’ve seen enough,” he added in even tones. “I need to think.”

“You’re tired. Let’s go back to the squat, talk it over.”

I glanced at the alley below and froze. For a few seconds, the world simply stopped. I didn’t breath. Even my heart stuttered and ground to a start.

Crow stood in the alley as herself. Slim, sharp-featured, her shoulder-length brown hair scraped back into a ponytail. She must’ve arrived in the shadows.

She was watching the action, not me and Zaq, but she had to have seen us. If she turned her head even a few inches, we’d be in her line of sight.

My heart lurched to life, scrabbling like a panicked animal against my rib cage.

How had she known we were here? Because I sure hadn’t told her.

And had she come alone? I glanced wildly around, but didn’t see anyone else.

Zaq had seen her too. His fingers tightened on his blade.

I grabbed his arm and rose onto my toes. “The shadows—now,” I said against his ear. “I’ll meet you in Times Square. Outside the Minskoff Theatre.”

He gave me a long look. Then, mercifully, he trusted me enough to begin the fade. I followed him into the shadows, praying we’d make it before Crow turned her head.

I flowed over the side of the wall and into the alley. Crow might sense me in the shadows, but she couldn’t follow.

She was looking up at the roof we’d just exited. “Reaper?” she said, low-voiced. “Show yourself.”

Crap. I closed my eyes and considered pretending I hadn’t heard, but the habit of obedience to my alpha was too strong. I dropped back into the physical world still clutching my switchblade.

Her gaze darted from me to the rooftop. “Where’s P2?” she whispered.