Page 109 of Taken

“You clear?”

“Yeah.” I turned at the corner and headed down another industrial block toward the East River.

“Good. Where are you?”

My hand was sweaty. Damn heat. It even radiated off the pavement.

I switched my phone to the other hand, wiped my damp fingers on my pants—and lied to my alpha. Again.

“In Brooklyn. A rented room.”

“P2 is still with you?”

“Of course.”

“I wondered. You haven’t made contact with PK, so…”

My brow puckered. Crow was right, but why did she sound so certain? Unless her informant in the Kral Syndicate had told her.

“No. He’s stayed on the move. We haven’t been able to pin down his location. He seems to have gone dark.”

An exasperated breath. “You’ve been here in the city for three days. That’s all you’ve got for me? Can P2 get to him or not?”

I paused by a small park, a tiny emerald oasis in the industrial desert. The centerpiece was an abandoned cemetery, its moldy gravestones knee-deep in weeds. Above the East River, a jet sliced a trail through the blue sky.

I had to give Crow something. I couldn’t tell her Zaq was digging for the truth, trying to figure out whether if his father had been framed or if he really was manipulating things behind the scenes.

And that I was helping Zaq because I wanted to know the truth myself.

“Zaq’s sources tell him there’s a coup in the making against PK.”

“That’s it?” she asked coldly. “You know how many coup attempts PK has fought off? At least five, maybe even more. The man has nine lives.”

Yeah, but was his own son behind any of those attempts?

I didn’t say it. I had no proof Gabriel was behind this, and I wasn’t sure how Crow would use the information.

“Time’s up,” she said. “Tell P2 to come up with a plan for taking PK out—stat—or the deal we made with him is off.”

“Understood. He—we—need a couple more days, is all.”

“Who’s in charge, you or him?”

“Me. But without his cooperation, I wouldn’t get within fifty yards of PK.” As Crow damn well knew.


I winced. The woman could infuse more doubt in a simple hmm than most people could in an entire paragraph.

She expelled a breath. “Not tonight, though. I just received intel that PK took a helicopter out of the city with his mate, his son and some human woman. My source says he won’t be back until tomorrow night, or Saturday at the latest.”

Yes. I mentally pumped a fist. “I’ll pass that on to P2.”

“Pass this on to him, too—maybe it will get him off his ass. His own people are saying his father’s blood mad.”

I blinked, frowned. “You sure?”

Usually you heard whispers when a vampire had started to lose it, and I’d heard nothing about Karoly Kral being blood mad.