Page 89 of Craved

But I’d confirmed Zaq had escaped.

My assailant regarded me, fingers still curled into a fist. I tensed against another blow, but when I didn’t say anything else, he jerked his head at the other guy and they left, leaving me alone in the dark cell.

The tiny lights dimmed.

“It took a week to break your brother.”

My bowels iced. Dread licked up my spine.

I set my jaw.

Don’t think about it. They’re playing head games with you.

I just hoped that Zoe was okay, that they weren’t planning to lock her in a cell, too. Even Victorine couldn’t be that cold-blooded—could she?

I should probably be ashamed I’d broken my promise to Zoe. She’d sneaked me into Philippe’s mansion, and I’d paid her back by staking her mother’s lieutenant.

But fuck that. Étan had deserved it. The moment he’d manhandled her, no promise in the world would’ve stopped me from coming to her defense.

I’d stake that sonofabitch again in a heartbeat.

I rested a cheek against the cool concrete. I could smell the iron-and-salt of my own blood. But something else teased my nostrils, a familiar scent—Zaq’s.

The bastards had put me in the same cell.

“It took a week to break your brother.”

But he’d escaped. I smiled, even though it hurt. “Hope you took out a few of them on your way out, bro.”

My head throbbed, my body ached like a mofo, but I’d already started to heal. Thank the gods I’d fed earlier.

All but my wrists, that is. The silver had already eaten through the top layer of my skin. Soon, the poisonous metal would start to enter my bloodstream…a slow, painful sapping of my strength.

I shifted my position to keep my wrists from pressing too hard against the cuffs, but they were designed to fit snugly.

How in Hades had Zaq busted out of here, anyway? The cell was tightly sealed, with no windows and a fitted door. Unless he’d done a Houdini, someone had helped him.

Maybe the same person would help me, too?

I glanced around as if the walls had answers, but I could barely see my hands on either side of my head. Even a dhampir’s eyes require a certain amount of light to see.

I was trapped in a sealed cell, edgy…and getting edgier by the minute. Unable even to pace back and forth to relieve my tension.

Gods, Rafe. You really fucked up this time.

At least I’d taken Étan out before they’d captured me. Zoe could never be forced to mate with that prick.

Too bad I hadn’t taken out her mother, too.

I jiggled a knee. Inhaled. Exhaled.

Zaq had survived. I could.

Where was he now? Maybe he was already home. Unless he hadn’t escaped, but had been moved to another location.

My lungs constricted.

No. Zaq had escaped. He was safely back in America, being fussed over by Mom. I had to believe that or I’d never survive whatever came next.