Page 58 of Craved

“Yeah. Think about it—if his primus isn’t involved, Philippe will want to keep your brother close. He can’t risk another Paris vampire stumbling across him.”

Rafe nodded slowly. “That makes sense. But what if Philippe tells your mother you’re in France?”

My mouth edged up. “Maybe Victorine should contact him first.”

It took him a few seconds, then he lifted a brow. “You mean, you’ll pretend to be her? I like it.”

“Good. I’ll text Philippe as my mother and tell him that Zoe’s in Paris and will be stopping by. He won’t question it. I pretend to be her all the time.”

“You don’t need a reason to visit him?”

“Philippe?” I shook my head. “No. In fact, he’d be pissed off if I don’t stop by. Victorine always stays there when she’s in Paris.”

“They’re lovers, right?”

“Sometimes. She trusts him, that’s the important thing.”

I pressed my lips together. I was telling him too much. There probably wasn’t much about me and my mother that the Krals didn’t know, but I didn’t have to hand it to him on a platter.

I pulled back a few inches. Sipped my wine.

Rafe finished his drink and set the plastic cup on the tray. A flight attendant appeared and whisked it up. “Another, sir?”

“I’m good, thanks.” He gave her that sexy, cheek-creasing grin and she practically melted at his feet.

“If you’re sure…”

I rolled my eyes. The man was a freaking female-magnet. It didn’t matter what camouflage he hid behind. The flight attendant hadn’t even glanced over to see if I wanted anything.

I straightened. “That will be all,” I said in my best icicle voice. I may have inserted a smidgen of compulsion, too. But hey, I was annoyed.

The flight attendant jolted and glanced at me like she’d forgotten there was anyone else in the row. “Yes, of course. But—” she leaned down so her breasts were practically in Rafe’s face—“just press the call button if you need me.”

“Will do.” He gave her a distracted smile, clearly so used to women coming on to him that he barely noticed the mating dance she was practically performing in the aisle, turned back to me. She hesitated another moment, then left.

“You can’t use your phone to contact Philippe,” Rafe said. “If they’ve put a tracker on it, they’ll find you the minute you put the SIM card back in.”

“Doesn’t matter—I know her code. He’s used to her messages coming from different phones. I’ll buy a new SIM card when we land.”

“Works.” This time, the sexy smile was turned on me.

My stomach did a funny swooping-thing, but I like to think I hid it better than the flight attendant.

“And you don’t have to buy a new SIM card,” he added, taking out his wallet. “I have an extra.” He handed me a tiny gold wafer.

While I inserted it in my phone, he said, “What if Victorine’s already contacted Philippe and told him to watch out for you?”

“I’ll have to take the chance. But my guess is that she’ll search Montreal and the surrounding area first, and when she doesn’t find me, the next thing she’ll do is go after your father. Accuse him of kidnapping me, or worse.”

“Hell.” Rafe pinched the bridge of his nose. “I wanted to rescue my brother, not create an international incident.”

I hesitated, but made myself say it. “I could just tell Victorine I’m on my way to Paris.”

“How the hell would you explain skipping out on your birthday ball?”

“I’ll say I needed time to think. I’m going to have to talk to her sooner or later anyway.”

“No,” he said firmly. “Don’t contact her. She’ll just order you home.”