Page 37 of Blunted

“Yes, I was gonna shower before going to the church to get Kate, but I couldn’t figure out how to turn it on and, well frankly, it scared the shit out of me.”

He bent down and kissed me then said, "Have fun with the water, a good girl today and I will show you tonight... but for now, I will show you how to work the main one."

Before leaving his place, he made me write out a list of all the people I sell weed to. He seemed more relax that he could now check out everyone, making sure I was safe. I also had to agree that if I had another Captain Hook situation, I would inform him before taking action. In return, he would stay out of my business. The only thing he was still peeved over was my refusal to tell him who my supplier was. I mean, he knows I can't tell him that. Fuck, he is associated with a motorcycle club. He knows that's a big breach of trust between dealer and supplier. It is too easy to slip up, just like I almost did telling him Dingo's name.

Heading out the door of my place, I grab the cell phones off the chargers. No messages on the cancer patients’ phone. Shit, two missed calls from Ben and three from Jenna on my personal phone, and I got two messages on the burner phone I need to answer. I'll see Ben in a little bit, and I'll call Jenna when I get there. I answer the phone messages real quick before I go.

Hey, little girl. Need a zip of The Fonz - Jess

No problem, be around this afternoon. -C

I went to the next text.

Hey, C.- Sam

Need Half O of Giggle. -Sam

No problem, be around this afternoon. -C

Driving to the flower shop. I think about why Linc needs so much control. I have never met anyone so ‘my way or no way.’ It has to be the Dom thing. I need to research this more later, learn about what makes him tick.

Arriving at the shop, Ben is already there and, to my surprise, so are Parker and Jenna. “Hey, what are you guys doing here?” I ask, smiling.

“I'm off today, worked a double this weekend,” Parker replies.

“I'm just here for a little while, we don't have any patients coming in until after lunch,” Jenna shares, narrowing her eyes at me.

“I work here,” Ben reminds, smiling.

I shake my head at him and continue. “I see I missed a couple of calls from you guys, sorry about that,” I say, heading to the display cooler and straightening the flowers that don't need straightening. I'm just trying to avoid the awkward conversation I know is going to come. I can feel three pairs of eyes staring holes in my back. I hear the door lock click and turn to see Ben flipping the sign over, so the Closed side is facing the street on the front door. Meanwhile, Parker is behind the counter putting the phone on hold and Jenna is leaning against the counter, staring at me with her arms crossed.

“Spill it,” Ben orders, turning back to face me.

“What?” I question, playing dumb.

“Where were you last night?” he asks.

“Well, um,” I stammer, looking at my feet.

“Holy shit, you did it!” Jenna yells. Ben and Parker look at each other, then to me, then to Jenna. “You fucked the hot biker,” she shrieks.

Ben and Parker now look back to me, their eyes are wide, looking for confirmation or denial of the statement.

“Well, yeah,” I squeak. Ben's face falls. He's not as excited as Jenna, but it makes sense, he is like my brother.

“Are you okay?” he whispers, hugging me.

“Of course,” I reassure him. Jenna pushes Ben out of the way and hugs me, jumping up and down, then stands back looking at me like I should somehow look different.

“Jesus, Jenna, you would think you were the one who got laid.” Parker laughs. He walks over and clasps Ben’s forearm as if to comfort him. Then he gives me a gentle hug and small smile and says, “Well, come sit down and tell us all about it.” I spend the next hour answering all their questions, but not going into the details. Jenna's questions consisted more on the physical act.Did you come? Did he go down on you? Did you go down on him? How many times did you do it? How big was his cock?Ben and Parker asked more emotional questions, which I expected from my brotherly friends.Was he nice? Did he spend the night? Does he want to see you again?I answer all of their questions, the answer on how big his cock was came with disbelieving looks when I spread my hands out, showing them how big it is.

“Okay, well, we got to get to work,” I say, the visual memories they are giving me are making me squirm in my chair, and I'm gonna have to go find Linc and fuck his brains out if this doesn't stop.

Jenna heads off to work. Ben and Parker head up front to open the shop

back up and organize all the flower shop orders. I sneak to the back and get the marijuana for Jess, Sam, and Dingo together while they are busy, stuffing it in my gym bag. I sneak it out to the delivery van and stuff it under the front seat when they come to the warehouse to start making the arrangements for the shop orders. Returning from the van, I make up three cancer patient vases I need to deliver as well. It's another hour before Ben and Parker have the van packed with the deliveries. I deliver all the arrangements and the cancer patients’ vases first. Then head to the car wash where Jess works.

“Hello,” I say to the secretary, walking into the office. She is a thin girl with blond hair cut into a short bob. Judging by the way her boobs are spilling over the top of the red V-neck shirt she is wearing; I would guess it to be least two sizes too small. She's filing her nails and popping her gum like she is bored to death. She doesn't acknowledge my greeting, so I ask, “Jess here?”