Page 72 of Rejected Beta

He licks my taste off his lips. “Everyone deserves a little courting. You know I've always loved to spoil you. That hasn't changed at all."

It's no wonder I've never been able to let him go, even after so long.

"Good." I breathe the word and then press my mouth against his for the first time in ten years.

He growls like an alpha and cups my face with gentle hands at odds with the ferocious way he takes my mouth, the nips almost sharp enough to draw blood. It's not some sweet, romantic kiss like we used to share when we were younger. This one is different, full of desperate need and relief. We're no longer the tentative kids we used to be, each other's firsts in everything.

I nip back, almost climbing in his lap, rubbing myself against him. I forget everything, where we are, where I need to be, what time it is.

It's been a long time since I've been kissed or touched like this and I never want it to end.

I break away from his mouth and trail my lips and teeth down the side of his neck, shivering at the way he whimpers and digs his fingers into my flesh.

"Uh, you two realize you're in the studio, not the apartment, right? And there are a lot of windows."

I yank myself away from Jareth, clutching my chest as I stare at Hendrix, who grins at me from the door. "Shit, you scared the hell out of me."

Hendrix snickers. “As much as I enjoyed watching that, and I did very much, you may want to lock the door next time unless you want to give some kids an R-rated show."

"We were just...reminiscing.” I can still taste him.

Jareth’s grass and salt scent clings to me and all I want is to climb back in his lap until I drown in it.

Hendrix smirks. ”It looked like some intense reminiscing."

"It was." I clear my throat after shooting a wink at Jareth, who’s still flushed and flustered. "What are you doing here?"'

"I came here once I finished my shift to see how the meeting went. Your messages didn't say much. But it looks like one good thing came out of it."

Hendrix clearly isn’t going to let this go anytime soon. The fucker is lucky he’s cute.

Jareth clears his throat. ”She played things perfectly, not outright rejecting them, but making them work for it too. They sent me to soften her up."

Hendrix laughs. “Seems you're doing an excellent job of that."

Jareth grins wide, showing all his teeth. “Don't worry, I don't mind sharing her, even if it is with an alpha."

Sadly, I do not feel the same, but there is clearly no chemistry between the two of them, only curiosity and tentative friendship and teasing. I don't mind sharing Jareth with Ryder though.

Hendrix chuckles. "I think you and I are going to get along wonderfully. Nothing like an alpha and an omega who both prefer betas. Aurora is going to want to write a paper on us at some point, I guarantee it. She's fascinated with unusual packs like the one we're building."

The humor drops from Jareth’s face, replaced by wary shock. “You're willing to accept me as pack so quickly? Even though we'd remain platonic? We just met yesterday“

Hendrix sobers too. ”Moira is more than enough for me and if she wants you too, why wouldn't I give her what she wants? And realistically speaking, this will make things easier because on paper, we're a perfectly normal pack, so the Omega Council should be happy. Which will also help us get rid of your alpha problem. It's a win for everyone. Besides, it’s not like we’re going to bond tomorrow. There’s nothing official yet, but that’s certainly what we’re working towards.”

"You can trust him,” I say to Jareth.

He nods, swallowing visibly. “I believe you. It's just going to take time."

There are ghosts in his eyes. Clearly, his time in the program has shown him some terrifying sides to alphas, making him even more wary than I am. But Hendrix is all understanding and patience, just like he has been with me. He'll win Jareth over in no time.

"Take all the time you need. There's no rush."

I’m nowhere near ready to bond with anyone. It’s way too soon for me and there’s too much going on.

When we bond, I want there to be nothing hanging over our heads. And I want it to be because we want to, not because it’s the only option to keep Lexie and Jareth safe.

“How often do you think you'll be able to get away from them until we pull the trigger and end the farce?" I ask.