Page 67 of Rejected Beta

"There she is."

I glance in the direction Brad points and my stomach drops. There she is indeed. And she's just as gorgeous as ever, still lovely and curvy, the years barely touching her. I want her soft body back in my arms, the two of us fitting like puzzle pieces. Thankful for the scent canceling spray I have on, I still look away, knowing if I stare at her too long, my scent will grow too strong and give me away, rendering the spray useless.

Nicole and Brad don't need to know quite how badly I want her. They'll just use it against me. Right now they believe it's more of a comfort thing, me wanting to reunite with an old friend and have her be a part of the pack. They have no idea that she's the only one I want. That I have no use for an alpha and their knots.

Moira and a specially ordered strap-on is all I'll need for my heats. And maybe Ryder behind her, trapping her between us.

She looks up at our approach, her eyes warming when they land on me. "Hello."

"Thanks for meeting us." Brad puts on what he believes is his charming smile, but he just looks villainous.

She glares at him. “Are you ready to finally explain things now? I've closed my studio again when I should have it open, so I'd like to not waste this meeting with bullshit."

Shit, she's pissed.

She read the files.

Is she going to be able to control herself and continue to pretend to actually consider their offer of pack? Or are we going to have to make a run for it?

Chapter Twenty-One




Ever since I poured over the files off the drive last night, I haven't been able to calm the rage pulsing through me. I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, unable to stop reading the bullshit they think they're going to get away with.

Jareth really stepped up.

There are recordings and photos and videos, all proving they have some pretty dark plans for me. Including hauling me out of the country to some sketchy doctor in Canada to see if they can't get me pregnant with an alpha or omega. They're hoping Jareth’s omega genes will be strong enough to get me pregnant with an omega too.

Jareth even got them to put in the formal courtship agreement that they had to offer me a spot in the pack if they want to bond him in.

And worst, there are recorded conversations where they talk about Lexie like she's an object to be bought and sold, even considering boarding school for her since they haven't had a hand in raising her the right way and that I've probably given her ideas.