Page 48 of Rejected Beta

Hendrix shoos Ryder away. ”That's right. She's been sworn to secrecy about this recipe. It's been in my family for generations."

Ryder raises a snooty brow. “Are you sure you didn't just find it online?"

"How dare you, sir. Pistols at dawn for besmirching my good name." Hendrix twists a towel and snaps it at Ryder, who jumps nimbly out of the way.

Ryder huffs. “You're ridiculous."

He may be corny as hell sometimes, but Lexie loves it. She's always laughing when she's with Hendrix and so am I. He's certainly a goofy alpha and I'm curious to know if that laughter carries over into the bedroom or if that's where the alpha actually comes out. I hope it's the latter.

Thankfully, I'm too sick for my scent to spike with desire at the thought. My body is way too weak for anything more than some idle wondering.

Ryder returns to the couch and lowers himself next to me, pulling me into his lap and snuggling me closer into his chest. Enjoying it too much to question or argue, I tuck my head into his neck and breathe in his scent of black tea and honey.

His arms tighten around me, his chin a reassuring weight on the top of my head. I doze off and on, listening to the chatter between Hendrix and Lexie, just soaking in the comfort coming from Ryder. This feels nice. I'm able to let everything go, to stop worrying, secure in the knowledge that my daughter is safe and happy and cared for.

I can just relax and let them help for just a little while.

Tomorrow, I'll get back to the constant grind and the worries about Brad and Nicole, but for the moment, I'm going to let it all go and just enjoy this moment of feeling like I have the pack I used to dream of when I was young.

It was something I wanted so much after growing up so lonely without a pack or much of a family. I didn't have this comfort. My parents were two betas who weren't married and neither wanted a kid, so I was foisted onto my aging grandmother, who did the best she could, and loved me, but she died before I was even seventeen. And no packs want to take in a teenage beta, so I bounced around for the next year before I aged out.

And then not long after I met Brad and Nicole.

"Are you still with us, Moira?" Ryder murmurs the question against the side of my face.

I nod slightly. “I’m here. I'm fine."

"Does she still feel hot?" Hendrix asks.

Ryder’s big hand presses against my forehead and then my neck. “Yes, she definitely still has a fever."

"Food is almost ready, so she’ll be able to sleep more after that. We can wake her up in the middle of the night and give her more medicine too.”

I rouse a bit at Hendrix’s words. “The middle of the night?"

"Yes, lovely, did you think we were going to leave you here when you're feeling like this?"

I shrug, my eyes sliding back closed. “I mean I'm sure we'll be fine. We'll just sleep."

Ryder shakes his head. “Nope. We're staying. We'll be here in case you get worse through the night and I can take Lexie along with me to school tomorrow so you can focus on resting and getting better."

"And I'll stay with you and keep feeding you soup, fluids, and medicines,” Hendrix says.

I try to push up in Ryder’s arms, but he feels too good and I’m just too damn tired. “I need to open tomorrow. I can't afford to be closed again."

Ryder tuts. “Whoever wanted to come will be happier rescheduling than they would getting sick from you. The people in this town understand, don't worry."

"But all the omegas are here and having so much fun coming in." My words are starting to slur together and I can hear how ridiculous I’m being, but can’t seem to stop.

"They'll understand. But unless a miracle happens over night, there's no way you'll be able to run your classes."

"But what about—-" I bite my words off, not wanting Lexie to know about the main concern I have at the moment.

Ryder strokes my back, up and down, up and down. ”That's the other reason we're staying close. If they try anything while you're vulnerable, we'll be here to handle it. Please let us."

"Thank you. I owe you a big hot chocolate night with plenty of treats once I feel better." I'd offer to cook them a meal, but after eating the food Hendrix made, there's no way that's happening.

I don't think they'll feel very appreciated with a meal of chicken dino nuggets from the air fryer and a bagged salad, which is my specialty.