Page 42 of Rejected Beta

She only blinks at me in response, alarming me with how out of it she seems.

"I'm going to get you out of there and help you get cleaned up. Then I need you to drink fluids, take some meds, and eat something for me. Then you can go back to sleep."

She moans, the sound protesting.

“Lexie is worried and needs to see that you're okay. And I need to see how bad off you are. Have you vomited?"

She shakes her head.

"Okay good. You're burning up, so I think you have a fever, but that could be because you've cocooned yourself into your bed. So come on, love. I'm going to take you to shower."

She groans as I lift her, but she doesn't fight me. I really don't like her lack of communication and her body trembles in my arms.

Thankfully, Moira has an ensuite, so I don't have to traumatize Lexie by seeing her mother like this. I need to let Ryder know what's going on soon, so he doesn't run out on his students in a panic and end up fired from his job.

Based on the way his messages have gone today, I wouldn't put it past him. The guy has it bad for this charming beta and he's not the only one.

Inside the bathroom, I set her down on the lid of the toilet, keeping her leaning against my hip as I turn the water on and pull my phone out to shoot off a quick text to Ryder.

The bathroom has a dimmer switch, so I'm able to keep it from being too bright for her eyes as I keep one hand on her while I prepare her bath. I don't think a shower is going to work and based on the way she's shivering, it's going to be the best way for her to warm up.

"Do you think you can get undressed and in the bath yourself?" I'm not really comfortable stripping her and plopping her into the bath in this situation.

Not without her consent.

She shivers and forces out words, each one looking pained. “No. I need help. Please. Cold."

"Okay, lovely. I'll get you all sorted. I promise."

She definitely has a fever. I just hope it's not a bad one.

Chapter Thirteen

