Page 34 of Rejected Beta

She's no fool, she saw us race out of here, a child in tow and she probably dealt with Brad and Nicole’s shitty behavior. She can guess the situation well enough, I'm sure. I just hope she isn't a gossip and this isn't something that's going to spread around town, affecting my business.

My nerves blare as I rush back outside and head towards my shop, the hair on the back of my neck standing up, like I'm being watched or followed. If I hadn't decided to go for pizza, I would've had no idea they're in town. How could they sit there having a relaxed early dinner like nothing is wrong when they're here to ruin everything I've built.

There's not a single part of me that believes this is some coincidence. They never traveled before.

Some of my calm is damaged by the time I make it to my studio, but I've still got a decent chokehold on it, determined to stay in control so I don't give them anything they can use against me.

My studio and the apartment above are still dark, giving no sign they've broken in.

But I can scent them. Cedar and moss. How did I ever find it alluring?

I pretend like I have no idea they're here, my hand wrapped tight around my taser as I unlock the door. It may not completely take down an alpha, but it'll buy me any time I need to make my escape. I hope anyway. I've never had to test it before.

I really don't want them in here, tainting the place with their stench, but better that than some scene in the middle of the street. I'm hoping I can remind them they threw me away, threwusaway. They have no claim on Lexie, so they can get the hell out of town and all of this can be a bad dream or possibly closure.

As soon as I close the door behind me, they appear, knocking on the glass gently. My stomach lurches at the sight of them, their eyes glowing eerily in the street lights.

Swallowing hard and breathing shallowly, I swing the door open. "What the hell are you doing here?"

They push inside, crowding me, their dominance riding strong. Thankfully, I'm a beta, so I'm not as susceptible to that bullshit, but it's still hard to ignore and it's hard to remain standing straight beneath the weight of it. They didn't come to play, coming in strong at the start.

"Is that any way to greet your pack?" Brad purrs the words, his expression one of wild heat.

Nicole hovers in the background, watching closely, but letting Brad take the lead for the moment. That’s the game they always liked to play. I guess they haven’t changed much in the last six years.

But I have.

I scowl. “You're not my pack. You both made sure of that a long time ago. Now, what do you want?"

His smile is condescending as hell. “Where's our daughter?"

I snarl, hands curling into fists. “She's not our anything. She's mine. You signed over the rights to her and since we weren't a pack, you never had any to begin with."

Brad shakes his head, his expression wounded. “We made a mistake. We were young and foolish, not understanding what was important. We've been looking for you for years, ever since you left. You hid too well."

I scoff. “Not that well, since you found me."

"It wasn't easy. You moved around so much, we never could stay on your trail."

Are they telling the truth? Have they really been looking this whole time?

He steps closer, his cedar fragrance making my stomach protest. “I am sorry I lashed out. I was just surprised and was caught up in what I'd always imagined our pack would look like that I reacted terribly to the news."

Maybe all this is true. But it doesn’t change the horrible things he said and Nicole backed up. And with some age and distance, I can see how unhealthy the relationship with them was. I was so lonely, I put up with being treated as less than because I was a beta and therefore meant to serve them. Even back then, they'd act like they were entitled to my paychecks, acting like I was buying my way in. Something I have a record of too.

But if they really have been looking this whole time, that means Lexie could've had more than just me. She could've had family, a pack.

I’m not quite ready to fall for this though. They always excelled at manipulation and bullshit.

I shake my head. “It's too late for us. It's been over a long time for me."

Nicole finally joins the conversation, her red lips pouting. “Let us prove ourselves to you. We want you in our pack, we always did. We can be a family again and our daughter can grow up surrounded by pack. You'll have help again."

I raise a skeptical brow. “What about the omega you both wanted so badly?"

Brad beams, his scent thickening, making me almost choke. “We've found one. And you're going to love him. We chose him just for you."

Old pain flares in my chest at the knowledge they may have looked for us, but they still took the time out to find what they really wanted.