Page 4 of Rejected Beta

This kid, I swear.

We step inside a room decorated with vibrant colors and posters about reading and art, smelling like glue and crayons and paint.

It actually smells a lot like my art studio.

Hopefully that means this teacher is an art lover, because Lexie will be thrilled.

The long wall beneath the windows is lined with filled bookshelves, which I point out to Lexie, grinning when her face lights up.

There are plenty of other parents in there with their kids, a couple of whom are crying or shaking, scared of their first day at school. I exchange sympathetic smiles with a few of the parents as we explore the room, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who arrived early, wanting to give my kid time to adjust with me still here before we're forced to leave them behind without us.

I force myself to keep my breathing and heartbeat calm, grateful for my beta biology that keeps my scent from turning overpowering with stress like the alpha and omega parents in here.

But Lexie has a sensitive nose, so I work to keep my scent calm anyway, not wanting to infect her with my own anxiety over the separation.

Hopefully this will get a little bit easier each day, because the thought of starting all my mornings like this is horrifying. Maybe I should homeschool. I've already been working with her on reading and simple math instead of sending her to preschool since we still weren't yet settled in one location. She’s been learning well on her own and with me too, quick to pick things up.

She needs friends though. And a life and interests and a circle outside of me. This is the best way for her to get that. Well, this and basketball.

Do kids even play basketball this young?

I have no idea, but she sounded so excited about it, I'll have to find out for her. She's been having a blast with the small one I got for the little courtyard in the back of the studio. She's not bad either. I have no idea where she got that from because I was only into soccer growing up, and her sperm donor would rather watch sports with a beer than actually play them.

The school bell rings, signaling it's time for everyone to head to their classes.

A warm and sweet scent catches my attention and a low voice says, "Sorry, I'm late. Welcome to class. I'm Mr. Bouchard, and will be your teacher this year. Time to say goodbye to your parents so we can get started. We're going to have a ton of fun today, don't worry."

I'm frozen in horrified shock, unable to respond to Lexie wrapping herself around my middle as I stare at my goddamn landlord standing in front of the class, ready to teach my fucking daughter.

This cannot be happening.

His gaze sweeps right over me, either not recognizing me or refusing to acknowledge me. Either way, he's a douche.

I'm going to speak to the principal and get Lexie out of his class.




OF COURSE MY NEW TENANTis also a parent of one of my new students. Because that's just my luck. The tenant I wasn't expecting at all after reading the application all wrong.

I'd been so excited to bring a gallery into town, one of the few things we don't have. The space is perfect for it too. But instead, I've got someone making arts and crafts.

I'm a kindergarten teacher. I know exactly how messy they get. That location is the first investment I have made since things ended with what I'd thought was going to be my pack, and I was hoping things would go a bit smoother. I certainly didn't want to mix the two businesses together this way.

And based on the searing glare she sent my way before she kissed her daughter goodbye, Moira isn't thrilled about the situation either. Probably because I'd been an utter ass.

A hypocritical one.

I'll have to figure out something, find a way to work with her, because her daughter doesn't deserve to have her teacher and her mother at each other's throats. Which means I'll have to apologize and attempt to explain my horrible reaction.

It's my own fault for misunderstanding. I tried to juggle too much between the investment and preparing for a new school year. And she'd been so cold and controlled, it immediately made me want to push. Especially when said beta is so damn delicious -—all flashing eyes and curves for days.

And a snarky attitude that makes me want to see more fire, to push her harder, to see her fight. I want to see that control snap. I want to smell the pepper in her lavender scent sharpen.