Page 21 of Rejected Beta

"I don't know. She didn't tell me. I have to eat a breakfast sandwich instead of a cupcake for breakfast though." Lexie’s pout is impressive.

Bouchard grimaces in sympathy. "That's a shame, but their sausage biscuits are really good. I might get one too."

"I guess that sounds okay." Lexie still sounds a bit grudging as she turns to me. "What are you getting? It better not be a cupcake."

I shake my head. "Nope, not a cupcake. I'm going to stick with a coconut creme latte."

Bouchard turns to me, his brow furrowed. "No food?"

"I don't usually eat much breakfast." Although the sausage does smell wonderful.

Bouchard gives me a disapproving frown as he rises. "I'll go put your order in."

I blink, shaking my head. "What? No."

"It's the least I can do. Please allow me to treat the two of you to welcome you into town and to apologize for my appalling behavior when we first met. Please." His green eyes are imploring, his pleading game almost as strong as Lexie’s.

Well, hell. What am I supposed to say to that? I'll be the asshole if I protest. I can't help but be a bit impressed at the corner he's got me in.

I subside with as much grace as I can muster. "Thank you, that is very sweet."

He gifts me an almost blinding smile in return, leaving me dazed as he turns and glides over to the counter.

I'm still blinking way too much as I sink into one of the available seats at the table Bouchard saved. Lexie cuddles up next to me, thankfully oblivious to my inner turmoil.

The bell jangles, breaking me out of the spell Bouchard cast over me and I look up to see Hendrix's grinning face.

Lexie breaks away from me and races over to him, throwing herself against his legs.

I'm not the only one finding myself strangely drawn to and comfortable with these two people. My daughter is feeling a similar tug. Probably because they're the first men I've allowed anywhere near her. Not just men either. I've kept us separate from everyone, not wanting us to get attached if we had to move again.

But it's been over six years since I left town, since I ran. He's not coming for us. Neither of them are. Not that I truly expected them to, but I wanted to make sure we disappeared in case they changed their mind. Once I knew this wonderful child was growing inside of me, depending on me, everything changed.

She's my priority. And anyone who doesn't understand that can fuck right the hell off.

Hendrix takes the final seat, Lexie perched on his knee and grins over at me. "Good morning. You look lovely."

I smile, biting my lip. "Thank you."

"Where's the grump?" His nostrils flare, clearly scenting Bouchard.

Lexie scowls. "He's not a grump though. Even when Jeremy glued paper over the entire table, he was still nice."

He grins at Lexie. "I know he's not really grumpy, he just looks like it sometimes. I like to tease him."

"Oh. That's okay, then." Lexie digs around in her little backpack, pulling out her coloring book and box of crayons.

Hendrix sobers, looking at my daughter like he couldn't be more impressed. "It's very sweet that you care about his feelings and want to make sure that I wasn't being mean. He'll be very touched that you took up for him."

Lexie shrugs. "It's not fun being teased."

Hendrix stiffens, cutting off a growl. "Who's been teasing you?"

I freeze at the alpha waves suddenly pouring off of him, his protective instincts triggered for my daughter. I want to snatch her up and run while at the same time throw myself at him and rub all over him.

Beta hormones are just as ridiculous when it comes to alpha dominance being thrown around like that. Especially when it's protective instead of controlling.

Lexie surprisingly doesn't react to his scent thickening so much the people at the tables near us look over. She's usually incredibly sensitive to scents, but his doesn't seem to bother her. If anything, it comforts her.