Page 57 of Rejected Beta

Ryder clears his throat and tugs at the cuffs of his tweed blazer. “So tell me a little more about your omega."

I wrap my arms around my middle and “He's not mine."

Not anymore.

He tilts his head as he studies me. “Do you want him to be?"


"I have no idea who he is now or how he's gotten involved in this. The only thing I know I want is for Lexie to be safe."

"We'll make sure of that. Hopefully your omega will have some answers for you." His gaze sharpens on me. "You know if there's a chance for a reunion for your childhood sweetheart, maybe this entire mess gets a happy ending."

I raise a brow. “And that's okay with you?"

We haven’t had the conversation yet, the three of us have been flirting plenty and skirting right up to the edge, but there’s been no official courtship or dating. I know the two of them are fine with sharing me, but they’ve known each other their whole lives. Jareth is someone completely new. Someone they don’t know. SomeoneIdon’t know. Not anymore.

"I don't mind sharing you if he's someone you want and he treats you and Lexie right. Hendrix will feel the same. And him being an omega has nothing to do with it. It has to do with you and what we're hoping to eventually build with you."

"Pack." I whisper the word.

Ryder nods. “Yes. But that's a conversation for later. For now, let's get you fed and rested so you're ready for your meeting tonight."

My head is definitely too crowded with worries and confusion to be in any frame of mind to make choices like that. Something Ryder is well aware of, patiently giving me the time I need while being clear of what he wants out of this.

I'm used to much more aggressive courting, not this respectful dance he and Hendrix have been leading me in the last couple months. It's been a refreshing change, one that feels healthier and a better demonstration to my daughter.

I don't ever want her to settle or rush into something based on scent attraction and loneliness. I want her to demand better for herself. I need to model that sort of relationship for her now or show her that remaining single is no horrible thing. Every decision I've made for the last six years has had her at the center and that's not going to change now.

Whatever is best for her is what I'm going to do. And any romantic partner in my life is just going to have to understand that. Something Ryder and Hendrix have both proved to not just understand, but support, to show they have the same concerns and priorities.

That patience and understanding are two of the things keeping me secure in the burgeoning relationships with them.

But now that Jareth is in the picture, I have no idea what to expect. What he wants. Why he's involved with Brad and Nicole. If he can be trusted. Where the hell he's been the last ten years.

I loved him so so fucking much, but I'm not willing to sacrifice what I'm building here for him. And I'm not willing to give up Hendrix or Ryder. I'm too scared to hope for much, too focused on Lexie’s safety and happiness over all.