Page 49 of Rejected Beta

I'll order pizza from that delicious restaurant. I refuse to let my past ruin and make them my special hot chocolate, proving to them and to my daughter that I make it just as good, if not better than the coffee shop, dammit.


I smile, shifting on Ryder's lap, enjoying the way his arms tighten, like he's worried I'm trying to escape. I've never cuddled like this with anyone before, where someone surrounds me and makes me feel small and safe. No one I've dated in the past was big on snuggling. I hadn't thought I was either, usually too claustrophobic to enjoy the sensation, but with these two males, it's comforting and sweet. I want to fall asleep like this, trapped between them, surrounded by their touches and scents.

Maybe I have a little omega in me when I'm sick.

Ryder scent marks me, kissing the side of my head. “We've got you, Moira. For all of this. We're going to make sure you and Lexie stay safe and healthy and happy and remain right here in Neverwhere. Whatever it takes, we'll do it. This town needs you and so do we."

Ryder's words sound a lot like a romantic overture, but they can’t be, right? There's certainly some sexual tension between us but things haven't quite progressed to any real relationships.

Am I misunderstanding because the fever has my brain malfunctioning?

"I think we need to have a conversation to clear a few things up once you're feeling better." Ryder keeps his voice low, creating a private moment between the two of us.

"About what?" I ask.

"About us.”

I blink at him. “Is there an us?"

He smiles gently, so different from the man I met that first day. “That's what the conversation is going to be about. For now, just focus on feeling better and rest in the knowledge that we're handling things."

I do just that.

For the next three days, while I recover incredibly slowly, they handle everything. They cook, they clean, they get Lexie off to school, they post on social media and keep the town informed. Several people reach out in concern, touching me with their sympathy.

Hendrix and Ryder make themselves right at home, their scents merging with mine and Lexie’s, almost seeming like they've always been here. Lexie couldn't be happier with their presence, basking in the extra attention they're both happy to give her. It's all wonderful and I find myself reluctant for it to end.

We've been trapped in this little bubble of peace and as soon as it pops, I'm going to have to deal with all the things that had me so run down in the first place.

I like the bubble. The bubble is quiet and peaceful and calm and relaxing. It's wonderful here. The real world is bullshit and I don't want to return to it.

But sadly, my illness passes and I'm ready to get back to work, only a mild ache lingering.

The third night, I look at them across the table and try to put on a happy smile. "I'm going to open my shop tomorrow. It's time."

Hendrix nods. “We figured."

Lexie pouts, her little shoulders sinking. “Awwww, can't they stay?"

"Hendrix needs to get back to work, darling. And we all need to get back to normal. You'll still see them all the time though. And we'll have that hot chocolate night really soon."

Lexie glares at me. “How soon?"

I mentally check my calendar, trying to pick a good day. “How about next weekend? That gives me time to get caught up on everything I've gotten behind on from being sick."

She sighs loudly. “I guess that's okay."

"We'll do a pizza in the park night again soon too. Maybe Saturday night." Ryder looks oddly satisfied at the way Lexie is so reluctant for them to leave.

She isn't the only one. I don't want this to end either, but it's time. It's not fair to trap them here when they have lives they've been ignoring in order to take care of us.

When Lexie gets distracted by her food, Ryder leans close to me, his lips almost brushing my ear. "When we do the pizza night, we're going to talk, okay?"

I shiver.

Why does that sound like a strange mixture of threat and promise?