Page 30 of Rejected Beta

She grins back. “I love pizza."

"Me too."

The beta leads us through the restaurant, making sure we get a table in full view of the wood stoves which I appreciate for Lexie’s sake.

I thank the hostess as she passes out menus, freezing when I look up and see two alphas seated not far from our table.

I rub my eyes, certain I'm seeing things, because this can't be happening.

Ryder notices immediately. “Moira? Are you all right?"

The mirage doesn't fade. They haven't noticed us yet, but it's only a matter of time. I have to get Lexie out of here without them noticing.

Desperation makes me turn to Ryder while Hendrix has Lexie distracted. "I need to get her out of here as quickly and quietly as I can. There are people here she cannot see."

Ryder, bless him, doesn't ask questions Instead he gets right to work and turns to Lexie. "You know what sounds like fun?"

She looks up from her crayons and paper menu. “What?"

"If we got the pizza to go and we ate it in the park and had a picnic. Do you like that idea?"

She sits up straight, bouncing in her seat. “Oh, that sounds fun. It's all lit up with the pretty lanterns. And eating outside is fun."

Thankfully she's forgotten all about watching the pizza get fired in the wood-stoves, this idea sounding better to her.

"Why don't you and your mama and Hendrix go ahead to the park, and I'll order the pizza and explain to the waitstaff?"

"Thank you." I keep my voice low as Hendrix helps Lexie from her seat, his expression baffled, but he doesn’t ask questions.

"Point them out to me, so I can keep an eye out,” Ryder says.

I nod my head in the direction he needs to look. “The male and female alpha sitting on the other side of the room."

Ryder glances casually over there, finding them easily. "Got it. You'll explain later?"


I don't want to, but I'll accept any help I can get if it keeps Lexie safe from her father.