Thank you for reading Silver Fox’s Secret Baby, if you like this one, you will love Baby For Daddy's Best Friend…
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My father's best friend is everything I’mnotsupposed to want.
But now he is going to be my baby's daddy…
Ash is a walking red flag.
He is domineering and always in a bad mood.
Tragically widowed, yet still in love with his long dead wife,
a single dad to three mini versions of himself,
and much too old for me.
But I’ve wanted him since I was sixteen.
Seeing him again more than a decade later all those old feelings just rush back in.
Every time when I look up into his deep green eyes,
dark scruffy beard and kissable dimples,
all I want is to fall into his arms and never leave.
Too much wine and one bed-rocking night later everything changed.
When my dad discovers I’m knocked up by his best friend,
I may lose the two most important people in my life…
Continue to read Baby For Daddy's Best Friend…
Listen, I am a privileged person. I grew up not wanting for money in a stable home with my mom and my dad. I went to good schools and have a support system in everything I do.
However, the level of privilege Ashton Hawthorn knows is on a completely different level.
I’ve driven out to his home in the northern suburb of Wilmette. I feel bad now for all the times he’s driven around to meet me based on his daily commute, but that disappears soon after I see the size of the homes in his neighborhood.
Mansions would be the correct way to describe them. Sprawling, grand structures that take up God knows how many square feet. I’m pretty sure none of his kids still live with him. What’s a single billionaire doing in a stodgy mansion up in Wilmette?
Ash’s house is right across from the Baha’i temple, one of the only ones in the world. I’ve been up here several times to walk the grounds and never even contemplated who or what was down the short dead ends right across the street. Turns out, it was Ash Hawthorn all along.
As I turn down the gravel driveway, I feel like I’m going to be persecuted for trespassing in my little Nissan. The L-shaped mansion is boastful and grandiose. To the right, three garage doors. I wonder how many cars he has squirreled away in there. To the left, I can see Lake Michigan through the trees that are now bountiful with leaves. Evening glow. June in Chicago can be chilly, but it’s fucking beautiful. There are patches of flowers peppering the grounds that are lush and divine. It’s hard for me not to get caught up in the flora and fauna anywhere I go.
I bring the car to a stop and before I even get out, Ash appears at the front door framed in ivy. Even at home, he’s still dressed to the nines in navy slacks and a white dress shirt. The only thing different is his loafers, which he now wears stylishly without socks.
Ash gives me a wave with his big hand and I practically swoon at the size of it. He’s got his phone pinned to his ear, trapped in the middle of a conversation.