They know me so well.

“Okay, finish up your guesses,” Amy announces, shaking a bowl full of folded slips of paper.

“Do we really need to do this?” I ask for the fiftieth time. I told them no games, but Amy insisted that we all had to guess if the baby would be a Pisces or an Aries.

“It’s important,” she says with an air of pretension. “We need to be prepared for either scenario.”

Kira sighs. “Amy, you know that astrology isn’t a real science.”

“Mm, said like a quintessential Cancer,” Amy says.

“Yeah, and you’re acting like a realLeoright now,” Gillian teases.

Amy gapes. “I am not!”

“Of course you are! Stealing the scene at Harley’s baby shower,” Gillian continues.

I laugh as I watch the argument unfold, resting my hands on the top of my bump. At seven months pregnant, I’m starting to feelbig.It’s a nice feeling, although according to Gillian, I shouldn’t get too comfortable. “The last month is going to be a slog, let me tell you,” she explained to me. “And if you carry like me, you’re going to be carrying late. Stellawasnearly two weeks behind schedule, after all.”

“I love you all, but I’m very glad I don’t have sisters,” Lola announces.

“I second that,” Victoria adds with a grin in my direction. The two of us have become very close the past few months and she’s even taken to calling me her “sister from another mister”. Of course, chosen family is a lot different of a ballgame, but I’m grateful to have such a good relationship with Grant’s sister. She doesn’t yet know it, but we’re going to ask her to be the godmother.

“Could you two quit it?” Dana asks, interrupting the feud.

“Yeah, tell me if my daughter’s going to be a Pisces or an Aries!” I call out, shifting in my seat.

Amy clears her throat and tosses her hair over her shoulders. “Fine.”

As she reads out the guesses, I start to feel my baby elbowing at my palm. She’s getting way more active lately and I love every second of it. The rest of the world completely fades away when she starts to flit around.

“It’s a tie!” Amy announces despondently. “Three to three!”

“Maybe she’ll be a cusp,” Lola reasons.

My little sister glares. “You still have to land on one side of the cusp.”

“Stella, what do you think it’s going to be?”

Stella pops her head up, her little blonde buns jumping. “What’s the question?” Gillian brought along Stella at my request. I thought it would be a nice thing to share with her as her time as the only child of the Solace sisters comes to a close. She has been much less interested in the baby shower activities than her coloring book, though.

“Do you think your cousin is going to be a Pisces or an Aries? Pisces is a fish and Aries is a ram,” Amy explains.

Stella’s face sours. “I don’t want Aunt Harley’s baby to be a fish or a ram.”

“There we go!” I announce. “The most sensible of us all.”

“Amy, why don’t you focus on taking some pictures and send a couple to Dad, alright?” Dana asks, smoothing her hands down Amy’s shoulders.

Amy sniffs. “Fine.”

I laugh and shake my head. My little girl is going to be born into a family of drama queens, that’s for sure.

Dana walks off with Amy inevitably to talk her down from her disappointment the game didn’t go to her liking. The rest of us start to chat idly until Lola pulls her phone out of her purse and sighs.

“Lola…” Gillian says warningly.

“Sorry, I’m sorry! Just my phone is blowingup.” Lola tosses it back into her purse.