“Is that a problem?” I tease and then fuck her faster.

Harley wasn’t ready for that. She yelps in pleasure and grabs one of the pillows. “Fuck! Oh my god, fuck.”

I slow down. “Sorry, just can’t get enough of you.”

She eyes me over her shoulder and shakes her head. “I fucking hate you.”

We both smile. Thank goodness hate and love are not opposites. “You comfortable?”

“Uh-huh,” she nods, pulling the pillow closer. “Keep going.”

I drive my cock in and out of her, increasing my speed incrementally, not at all at once. I watch as Harley’s body unfurls, all the tension built up from missing me throughout the day disappearing into the ether. Each of my thrusts is met with a whine from her. Music to my ears.

Meanwhile, my arousal only grows. Her pussy is soft, luscious, and tight. A perfect home for my cock. I’ve learned over the years how to last long for a woman, but Harley challenges me. I have to be careful or else I might just lose it all at once.

“You need my cock, baby?” I ask.

“Yes, I need your–” Harley’s eyes roll back. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

God, what an image. I clench my teeth and pound harder. “You want it, baby?”

“Yes, I need it. Give it to me.” Harley grips the pillow tighter and pushes her face into it, letting out a primal scream of pleasure.

“Fuck, yes. Take it, baby. Take it.” My hips are working without me, completely out of my control. All I can do is let it happen, admire her beautiful body. Imagine how it will grow with my seed.

Fuck, it just drives me wild.

“I have to come, I have to–” she moans. Euphoria washes over her, her body jerking and head snapping back as the orgasm overcomes her. “Grant, please, please, please…”

I can’t do anything else but ride out her orgasm with her, which isn’t hard, considering how her pussy grips me, pulling me deeper. “Fuck, I’m coming too, I’m…”

“Do it. Do it, baby.”

I force my hips forward with a final smack and burst inside. I gasp, gripping her hips, my fingers indenting her skin deeply. I’m at a loss for words, brain numb with pleasure until I finally can catch my breath. “Oh my fucking,god, baby…” I mutter. “Holy shit.”

Harley reaches for me. “Come here,” she whispers. “Come to me.”

I collapse into her arms and curl around her body, pressing my face against her chest.

“Thank you,” she says. “Thank you so much.”

I kiss her sternum. “Of course, any time.”

Harley laughs. “How did I get so lucky?”

I stroke her waist. Our little one, still incredibly little, will be big before we know it. It won’t be just Harley and me. It will be the three of us. It’s an intimidating thought, but without knowing it, I’ve prepared for this my whole life.

“It wasn’t luck, Harley,” I murmur. “Serendipity, maybe. The party was the universe bringing us together at the right time for both of us, I’m sure of it. But I think we’ve been working our whole lives to find each other.”

Harley runs her hands through my dark hair and kisses my forehead. “You know what? I think you’re right.”



Four months later…

My sisters have gone to the trouble of renting out the coffee shop near Dad’s place for a humble baby shower. I said I didn’t want anything too fancy and, given my intense love for coffee cake since I fell pregnant, they thought there was no better place than the coffee shop that makes the best in Burbank.