I don’t even care about the case anymore. Okay, that’s not entirely true. For the first time, though, I feel like I could lose and be alright. Because Kent is trying to send me a message. He’s here for me. He may not like me. He might still want to punch me in the face. And that would all be valid. But he’s still here for me.

That’s all I can ask for.

Fortunately, I don’t have to pick and choose. The judge has a ruling quickly after closing arguments. “The defendant is not liable for claims the plaintiff has made.”

“Not liable” are the only two words I need. I’m free. Free from this fucked up run around Malcolm has put me through. My lawyers and I stand, shaking hands, sighing with relief. Inside, I feel like I’m on top of the world. I’ve kept my company, Kent is back, and Harley will be home waiting for me.

Maybe I’m doingsomethingright.

I turn and find Kent standing now at the front of the gallery, reaching for me. “Congratulations.”

I take Kent’s hand and shake it heartily. “Thank you.” I can’t help myself. I pull him into a hug. He doesn’t resist, clapping me on the back. We have a lot to work through, but I know this is a sign that we’re both committed to it. We don’t just owe it to Harley. We owe it to each other. “Thank you for being here.”

We break apart and lock eyes. “I’m just sorry I was late,” Kent says with a half-smile. “I had meetings and then it was…well…” He glances over at Aileen who is engaged in a tense, quiet argument with Malcolm.

“I know you put a lot aside to be here.”

Kent sighs and shakes his head.

“Go talk to them,” I encourage.

Kent’s eyes widen. “What?”

“Just…they’re right there. Go add insult to injury,” I reply.

“I couldn’t, that wouldn’t be–”

“Kent, there are things you never got a chance to say to them. You owe it to yourself.”

Kent lifts his head, considering my words. “Alright. Would you come with me?”

“Of course.”

Kent and I cross to the other side of the gallery. When Malcolm and Aileen realize we’re coming, they shoot daggers at us, immediately sidling up together. A united front. Kent opens his mouth to speak but isn’t able to get out more than, “Hi.”

“This isn’t the best time, Kent,” Aileen says snootily.

“I’d like to respect that, Aileen, but I’m afraid I don’t feel compelled to do that after you disrespected so much of my time when we were married,” Kent replies with venom I’ve never heard from him.

I seal my lips together. He’s got this covered.

Aileen opens her mouth in shock. Malcolm picks up where she left off. “You may not speak to her like that.”

“You’re right, I should save my anger for you, shouldn’t I, oldfriend?” Kent answers, voice bouncing with laughter. “I just came over to give you my condolences regarding the case and–” He lasers in on Aileen. “I don’t know if this needs saying, considering I’m sure you’ll be leaving town as soon as your husband’s business is all finished up, but just in case…” Kent looks like a falcon in the dive, ready to snap up his prey with ease. I haven’t seen this strength in him in decades, if ever. At least not in the past ten years for sure. “You arenotwelcome in my home anymore. And you arenotwelcome near my children.”

The word “my” hits Aileen squarely between the eyes.


Kent smiles solemnly. “Come on, Aileen. You don’t have to pretend you care any longer.” He takes a step away from the insidious duo, holding up his hands. “You are absolved. Best of luck with everything.”

Aileen lets out a furious growl. It’s funny to watch her pout and fume.

“Well, I’d say it’s been a pleasure doing business with you, but…” I trail off, looking at Malcolm. “Safe travels.”

“You’ll fucking pay one day, Grant. Mark my words.”

“Oh, Malcolm, stop pretending like you’re a Bond villain. You’re just a regular guy, and a quite pitiful one at that,” I say with a haughty laugh and then follow Kent through the gallery and out of the courtroom.