“When you know, you know. That’s how I’ve always seen it,” Victoria replies tenderly. “And besides, it sounds like she’s decided to have your baby whether you’re a part of it or not. That has to mean something.”

“Yeah, like maybe she hates my guts.”

Victoria tsks. “That’s not what I meant. She’s probably just as terrified as you are. An accidental pregnancy, her dad’s best friend. I mean, that’s a huge load. She doesn’t know if she can trust you yet. What if she told you and you just walked away?”

“I’d never–”

“Yeah,Iknow that. But she doesn’t.” There’s a glint in my sister’s eye. “So, you have to tell her.”

Before I can respond, the doorbell rings. Not even a moment later, there’s a pounding at the door.

“Christ, who is that?” Victoria asks.

I get to my feet. “I don’t know, but I have a guess.”

I go to the front door; Victoria follows. “Grant, I don’t want you to answer it. They sound mad.”

I ignore her. I have to face the consequences of my actions. Especially because now I know I have no regrets.

When I open the door, I find exactly who I expected: Kent.

But I don’t have a chance to greet him before he lunges toward me, growling, “You son of a bitch.”



When we pull up to Grant’s, the front door is hanging open and Dad’s car is parked haphazardly in the driveway. Dana and I exchange a look.

“Well, this doesn’t lookgreat,” Dana says softly.

I get out of the car and go up to the front door, half praying I’m not walking into a crime scene. I can hear Dad’s voice, half-shouting from inside and then a woman’s voice responding, calm, cool, and collected. Must be Victoria.

I walk inside and follow the voices into the living room. Grant is sitting in an armchair, head drooped back and a bag of frozen peas on his eye while Victoria calms down my dad, her hands on his shoulders while he massages a set of bruised knuckles on his right hand.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

Everyone in the room looks at me in various states of distress.

Dad speaks first. “Harley, what are you doing here?”

“Trying to stop this from happening, but…” My eyes meet Grant’s apologetically. “Evidently, I’m too late.”

Grant gives me a lopsided smile. “Don’t worry about it, Harley.”

“Don’t speak to her! Don’t even look at–” my dad starts to yelp bullishly, trying to squirm away from Victoria.

“Dad! Stop it!” I cry out. “This is ridiculous!”

“Ridiculous?!” he says with incredulity.

“Kent, please…hear her out,” Victoria murmurs, rubbing my dad’s back.

I sigh. “I asked you not to punish Grant for my misgivings.”

Dad looks away ashamed.

Grant sits up as best he can, reaching toward me. “Harley, this isn’t all on you. I should have–”