“I know he did,” I say and start to get out of bed.
Gillian grabs my shirt. “Harley, you need rest. Don’t get involved, it’s not–”
I wave her off and start to stumble around the room looking for my keys. “I have to. I’m the one who made this mess. I can’t let it get any worse. Grant is…” I sigh. “Grant is the only friend Dad has. I can’t be responsible for ruining their friendship.”
“I don’t think you’re going to stop her, Gillian,” Kira mutters.
“Well, you’re not riding on your scooter,” Gillian says, crossing her arms over her chest.
I glower. “It’s a motorcycle.”
“I’ll drive her,” Dana announces.
I smile at Dana, though my heart breaks. She was born into this role. The eldest. The maternal one. And she’ll never be able to step away from it, no matter how she tries. “Thanks, D.”
Dana jerks her head into the hall. “Come on. I don’t want to find them in a half Nelson.”
We rush out of the house to Dana’s car. The second my seatbelt clicks, I notice how hard my heart is pounding and the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I’m ready to fight for my life and what I want.
Mom might have been a crappy mother. But she did teach me a lesson about not denying ourselves the things that we want. She ended up breaking things in the process. I’m not going to makethatmistake.
For once, I’m going to be my mother’s daughter. I’m not denying myself what I want any longer. However, unlike her, I’m going tobuildsomething. Something beautiful.
“Thank god you’re here,” I say when I find Victoria in my living room.
“What’s going on? What’s the emergency?” she asks, eyes wide with worry.
I texted her when I left the Solace house for her to meet me here. I needed someone to talk to. The only person who understands all my fears. “Okay, I’m just going to come out with it and I need you to save your questions for later.”
“Oh, Jesus, this sounds bad already.”
“I’m just saying!” Victoria looks around. “God, let me sit before you drop any bombs on me.” She perches on a leather armchair. “Alright, go ahead.”
I take a breath.Out with it. “I’ve been falling for Harley Solace and she might be pregnant with my baby.”
Victoria grabs at her chest like she’s just been shot. “What?”
“Fourth of July, the two of us ended up sort of–”
“You fucked Kent’s kid?!”
I wince. “Don’t say it like that.”
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t expect this of all things to be–”
“Let me just tell the story and then you can rip me a new one, alright?”
Victoria huffs. “Fine.”
I explain the events as best I can to her without making her cringe. How we kept falling together, unable to resist, how I’ve never felt this way about someone and knew how it would break Kent’s heart if he found out, and how shit hit the fan less than two hours ago.
“And she’s pregnant but you don’t know if it’s yours?” Victoria asks with a raised eyebrow.