“Okay!” Dana’s voice comes from down the hall, footsteps drawing closer.
Shit. Everything in the Solace house ends up a family affair. I should have known way better.
“I ended up getting you minestrone because the chicken noodle was so high in sodium,” Dana announces, forcing herself into the doorway next to Kent. “Can’t imagine that’s too good for the baby…”
“Baby?” I echo in confusion.
Dana finally sees me. Her face goes completely pale. “Grant. Hi.”
“What…baby?” I ask. The silence in the room answers my question. I look from Dana’s ghostly face to Kent whose shock is morphing into anger by the second, and then to Harley who…won’t even look at me.
Oh my god. Harley is pregnant. And by the silence in the room, I think it’s pretty clear who is the father.
My head is spinning. “I should go,” I say meekly, taking a few steps to the door.
Dana steps out of the way to let me through, but as I pass Kent, he grabs me by the arm, wrenching my eyes into his. I’ve never been on the receiving end of Kent Solace’s ire, at least not like this. His whole face is tense like a volcano waiting to blow, steam practically pouring from his ears.
“Daddy, please, don’t,” Harley whimpers from the bed. The tears are starting to spill from her eyes. “Please let me explain before you get mad. Let him go.”
The anger drops from his face at the sound of his daughter begging. “Of course, Harley. I’ll…” He lets go of me and turns away from me. “I’ll deal with him later.”
Harley looks at me.Go, her eyes say.
I leave without another word, relinquishing any semblance of control I thought I had. Kent now knows. And Harley’s pregnant. And though I have a well of questions as deep as the sea, I know that I’m no longer welcome at the Solace house.
It was only a matter of time before everything came to light. Grant and me. Grant’s baby. I thought I’d have control over how the information was presented, be able to modulate the shock and high-octane emotions.
Instead, it all blew up in my face all at once. If this weren’t my life, I think I’d laugh.
However, it is my life. Not only is everything dramatic, but I’m also having to deal with it while riding out the symptoms of pregnancy. The mood swings are infulleffect. I’ve been crying off and on since Dad walked in and found Grant in me in a relatively tame position, yet a position, nonetheless.
He didn’t take it well. I think if I hadn’t been there, he would have had a royal rumble with Grant right here in the house. I can only remember one other time my dad was angry enough to be violent…when his other so-called best friend betrayed him.
Now, I’ve isolated my dad, given him no one to trust. I feel like a monster.
I’ve talked Dad down as best as I could with my sisters at my side, uneaten soup having gone cold on the nightstand. Gillian, Amy, and Kira came up after seeing Grant leave in a hurry and crowded in the doorway. Thought I might as well get the story out in one go.
Dana has been at my side this whole time. She’s been supportive in her silence, holding my hand and rubbing my back as I try to explain to my dad what he’s just seen. How sorry I am. I try to take the brunt of the blame, saying that I was the one who seduced him, that Grant’s not to blame.
I don’t think my dad is buying it or even cares, though. His expression is serious and dower and he’s barely uttering more than “mhm” and “uh-huh”.
“So, that’s what happened. And I’m really sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean for all this to…” I trail off. I don’t know if I can manage an apology for getting pregnant. Not when I now feel it’s the next right step in my journey.
Dad licks his lower lip and takes a deep breath. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed.”
“Daddy,” Gillian scolds. “That’s not fair.”
“It’s okay, Gillian.” I look down into my lap. “I understand.”
His face is as hard as stone. “Grant knew much better than to cross the line like he did. You’re just a kid.”
“I’m not a kid,” I say vehemently. “I’myourkid. There’s a difference.”