“Yeah, or god forbid, hitting on her,” Resa said with a snort of laughter.

That statement alone sealed the deal. I was not going to letFlick Harrisonmake a move on my sister and then Harley too. They were both too good for him. And in the case of Harley, well…I couldn’t help feeling a little bit possessive. Or a lot, but not like I’m going to act on it.

When Flick and I arrive at the WQXR studio, I’ve prepped him into oblivion. “No flirting. No crude jokes. No talking about taxes. Got it?” I ask before we walk inside.

Flick smiles slyly. I’m not sure what his eyes are doing behind his dark aviators, but I don’t like it. “Yeah, boss. Got it.”

“Really, Flick. You’re not untouchable. Remember that.”

“Trust me, my lawyers remind me of that daily,” Flick replies.

I grunt and open the door for him. “We have that in common.”

We are not greeted by Harley, but by Dre, who greets me with more praise and acclaim than I deserve. “Mr. Neville, it’s such a pleasure to see you again. I’ve got a spot all set up for you in the booth.”

I’ve decided to accompany Flick on his first day in the studio, evaluate how he does, and then see if I can trust him to make it through the rest of the week without me helicoptering. Of course, if Harley wanted me to return, I wouldn’t refuse…

“And Mr. Harrison. I’m such a big fan,” Dre says.

“Thank you kindly,” Flick drawls.

“Let me show you to the studio. Harley is still prepping some things in her office and–”

“She has an office now, huh?” I ask with a proud smile.

Dre grins. “We’ve both been upgraded to office-worthy employees. Thanks to your show, Mr. Neville.”

I glance around the studio. “Could you point it out to me? I’d like to chat with Harley before we get in the studio. Just about–” I clap my hand on Flick’s shoulder. “This piece of work.”

Flick laughs. “Is that your pet name for me now?”

“Yes, and you’re lucky I don’t have you on a literal leash,” I murmur.

Dre cackles and I resist telling him I’m not joking. He gestures across the office to a hallway. “Third door on the left. Her name’s on it.”

“Thanks. You two get settled, I’ll be in shortly,” I say, already stepping away. My heart pounds as I cross the office and go down the hallway. I don’t know what I’m going to say or why I feel compelled to be alone with her. It feels like we’ve been on opposite sides of this sudden trauma. She’s having to deal with Aileen, I’m having to deal with Malcolm. I’m in constant contact with Kent about how he’s doing but have no idea how Harley or her sisters are handling it.

It’s not my business, I know that. But if I can help, I’d like to.

After all, I’m here, aren’t I?

Harley’s nameison the door, written on a piece of loose-leaf paper in Sharpie. Aw, public radio. I knock softly.

“Yeah!” I hear her shout back. It’s not a question. Almost like she’s expecting someone.

May as well be me. I open the door slowly and peek inside. “Harley?”

Harley is standing behind a desk on the other side of the room, leaning over a laptop, but her eyes are squarely on me. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m…” I take a step into the room, closing the door almost completely behind me. “I’m here with Flick.”

“Oh.” Harley looks back to her computer.

Something is wrong. It wouldn’t take a psychologist to be able to see that. She looks tired and her usually pretty mop of blonde hair is clipped messily on the back of her head. She’s wearing no makeup, not even her signature wings. Still, beautiful as ever. But…

“How have you been?” I ask.

She laughs. It sounds forced. “I think you know the answer to that.”