* * *

Hour one wasa focus on the scope of Infinium as it stands as a company today. It was in-depth and well-researched.

Hour two is about my role as founder and CEO. Harley isn’t afraid to challenge me when she hears a philosophy she doesn’t agree with. And I’m not afraid to give it right back. It’s all good fun. She had a smile on her face nearly the entire time.

As did I.

Hour three is about the future of the company. Where I want to go. Whereshethinks it should go. That’s a fun conversation. I’m transported back in time to the party, when things were simpler, but budding and bubbling under the surface. Where the viciousness of my attraction really began. She’s sassy and stubborn in her opinions. I can tell she likes to be challenged just as much as she challenges.

I could love a woman like that.

Not Harley, obviously. But a woman who is passionate and opinionated, who can think about the big picture as well as care about the small.

I don’t find a lot of that in LA.

And yet, as the interview goes on, I can’t help but imagine a life with Harley. Our eyes are locked practically the whole time. She’s making me feel like I’m the only man in the world. It’s the eternal, subtle smile on her lips and the cock of her head. She’s really listening to me, drawing more out of me with just the tiny look in her eye.

She probably makes every interviewee feel like that. But has she fucked every one of her interviewees? Doubtful, unless that’s some weird underbelly of this show I don’t quite know yet.

Beyond what’s happening in the booth, I can tell it’s going well from the way her producer is leaning on his elbows watching us. He’s captivated.

And so am I. With her voice coming through my headphones, I feel like we’re lying together as I imagined we could have after our roll in the hay. We could have spread out on the blankets lining the treehouse floor and enjoyed the closeness a bit longer.

Instead, we were rudely interrupted.

Maybe that’s why she’s feeling a little distant. Perhaps the abrupt exit and the impossibility of aftercare made her feel used up and unappreciated. God, I hope that’s not it.

Now, it’s hour four. Hour four is “grab bag”. That’s usually the Thursday episode from the series I’ve listened to. The Friday episode is dedicated to Harley’s take aways as well as conversations with listeners. I’m already dreading what they might say about me.

There’s a reason I don’t do many interviews. People generally don’t like me. I’m wealthy, I’m powerful, and I’m in charge of the media that people watch. There’s something in there to anger every demographic.

Alas, I agreed.

So far, I’m glad I did.

“Alright, Grant,” Harley says, having been counted into the fourth hour. “This is my bag.” She pulls up an orange velvet bag. “My literal grab bag. It has many questions, ranging from–”

“’What’s your perfect day?’ to ‘What inspires you?’” I say, quoting the intro she gives every time. “I know. I’m a fan.”

Harley puts the bag down on the table, her mouth slightly ajar. “I thought you just listened to a couple for research.”

“Well, yes, I did. But I also have…become a bit of a fan,” I say with a nervous chuckle. She doesn’t need to know I’ve listened to half of this year’s episodes since I saw her at the beginning of July.

She smiles and shakes her head in disbelief. “Wow. Okay. Can’t say I get very many fans on here.” She looks at Dre. I can tell she’s embarrassed. But the grateful kind of embarrassed.

I’m more than proud to be the one to make her blush. Even if it’s not in the way I’ve been dreaming of night after night.

Harley clears her throat and adjusts her headphones. “Alright, then you know how this goes.”

“I do. May I?” I ask, holding my hand out across the table.

Harley eyes it momentarily. I almost think she’s going to grab it. That would be more than I could bear. I’m hard just thinking about her touch. Thank god it’s under the table. But no, just as she should, she hands the grab bag over.

“I’ll reach into the bag, pull out a sheet of paper, and that will be our topic until we run out of things to talk about,” I say with a flourish. The joke of this is that a single question seems to get every guest all the way through the grab-bag hour. Harley is just that talented of an interviewer. Can see angles and edges no one else can see.

“You really are a fan, huh?”

I reach my hand into the bag and smile, “You didn’t believe me.”