

“I wasn’t.”

“I heard a man’s voice.”

I examine her face, my sweet older sister who has the patience and attitude of a saint. She’s genuinely asking. If she knew it had been Grant, she’d be much more admonishing. “Okay, you caught me.”

“I knew it!” she beams. “Who was it?”

I shake my head. “Doesn’t matter.”

“Yes, it does.”

“No, it really doesn’t. It was a one-time thing, so it doesn’t matter.”

Dana watches me for a moment and then nods slowly. “Okay, you don’t have to tell me.”

Thank god.

“But I think you should see whoever that was again. Because you were glowing for like an hour afterward.”

I gulp. “Huh?”

“You know. You just looked…” She gestures her hand over her face. “Radiant. Whoever that was really brought something out of you.”

Yeah, he brought something alright.

“You deserve someone to make you happy like that.”

I let out a hum of surprise. I haven’t been with anyone since I returned to the States. I left behind a whole failed relationship in Australia. In fact, that’s why I left the land down under. To escape. Now, back in the States, I’ve renounced love openly and avoided any potential dating relationship that’s come my way. Not that there have been many. I’m not on the apps. That alone makes it feel like the world is a ghost town when it comes to dating. Sure, since returning I’ve had a few one-night stands here and there. Never the same guy twice.

That way, they can never control me.

But hearing Dana say that I glowed after having sex with Grant, that means something to me.

“Come on,” she says, nodding her head toward the living room.

I grab her arm. “You haven’t told any of them, have you?”


“Okay. Good. Please, let’s just keep it between us.”

Dana cocks her head to the side, silently asking,Why?

“You know, I’d never hear the end of it if they found out I desecrated the treehouse,” I say. It’s as good a cover as any. We both know the rest of the girls would be furious to know I’d used the treehouse for my devious delights. This is the perfect way to avoid any more scrutiny. Because the last thing I need is my sister hounding me to find who the lucky guy was.

She laughs. “Secret’s safe with me, Harley. Come on.”

I go into the living room and find my sisters splayed out in various states of relaxation. I join them after quick hellos, hugs, and kisses, finding a spot on the floor in front of the coffee table where there’s already a can of Dr. Pepper waiting for me. I know soda isn’t good for me, but I can’t get enough of the stuff.

The conversation is already in full swing about Kira’s upcoming twenty-eighth birthday.

“What about a camping trip?” Gillian asks, excitedly clapping her hands together.

Amy rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “There’s no way you’re getting me to sleep on the ground. No way, no how.”