Derek Ledderman, Marketing Executive,is all the card says, with a phone number and an email address in the bottom left corner. It’s simple, but he was very well dressed and put together, so I assume he has money, though that is mostly irrelevant to me. I just want the experience so that I can put it on a resume and maybe it’ll help me get a job in early education once I graduate.

I’ve only got one semester left, but I’ve been dealing with burnout from all my extra-curricular activities, and I’ve had virtually no social life outside of my best friend and roommate, Cherie. She’s great, but she’s not exactly the be all and end all to college.

Though this is my first day back home, I’ve been out of school for a month now, taking the time to just relax and enjoy some down time before I came back, and I haven’t made any strides with my social life, but I hope that this is a step in the right direction for my career.

I get home and fix up my resume, adding the experience I had in college, teaching elementary school kids creative writing. I email it right away, writing out a cover letter stating how much I love children and that I’m an eldest sister of two siblings so I’ve been helping with them since they were born.

After I hit send, I stare at my open email account for far too long before my brother knocks on the door jamb.

“Kenna? Are you coming down to breakfast?”

“I had a cake pop at the café,” I explain, and he tilts his head.

“But there’s sausage,” he says, as if that alone is reason to indulge in a second or even third breakfast. He’s a big guy, towering over me even though he’s four years younger, and he loves his breakfast meats.

I smile. “Maybe I’ll come down and grab at least some sausage,” I tell him.

He nods, smiling, and walks downstairs. I follow him, thinking I don’t have much else to do. Cherie is still back at college, and I’m staying with my parents at least until I find a place.

If this works out with Derek Ledderman, I hope it’s a live-in position, so that I’ll have a jobanda place to stay that’s not here at my parents’.

“How was your morning, Kenna?” my mother asks, kissing my father’s cheek as she hands him his coffee. My mother is a homemaker and a stay-at-home mom, and she always has been.

“My sister is in the news again,” my father says dryly before I can answer, and I blink at him.

My mother takes in a deep breath.

“What is it this time?” she asks tightly.

My aunt is always in some kind of trouble or other, even when they were younger. “She’s getting married,” my father says, showing her the paper, and my mother frowns.

“You’d thought she’d learned her lesson the first time,” she grumbles. “But I see she’s back in town, so we’ll see how she handles everything.”

“Doesn’t her husband still live here?” Ryan asks, his mouth full.

“Chew and swallow before speaking,” my mother warns and he does.

“As far as I know,” my father answers tightly.

I swallow hard. This is a sore subject for my father. He had always defended his younger sister, as long as I could remember, but in the past few years they’d grown estranged. My father could never understand why she would leave town and leave her husband and family for no other reason than she just wanted to.

Wanting to bring things to a lighter mood, I tell my parents about my potential job offer this morning. Maybe that'll be a good distraction from my aunt.

“We met at the café and his kids were so cute. I hope the interview goes well,” I say, and my mother smiles at me, sitting next to my dad.

“At the café? You want to be a barista?” my brother asks and my little sister snickers.

Ugh, siblings. I roll my eyes at them. I love my siblings dearly but sometimes they can be irritating.

“No, it’s for a nanny position.”

“Oh, wow, right up your alley,” my father muses, putting his newspaper down.

I grin back at my family. It feels good to have their support, even if they are a little worried about me taking a gap year.

“I sent him my resume, now I just have to wait for him to call,” I say.

“I’m sure he will,” my mother says. “What does he do?”