I force a smile and try to get her distracted by television or puzzles, but she’s stuck on the subject and asks me again.

“Kenna’s still your friend when she’s not here,” I say finally, exasperated. “She said to tell you hello.”

“Can I call her?” Maggie asks, and I take in a deep breath.

“Maybe later.”

Eli and Maggie finally begin playing with the Easy Bake Oven and I can finally relax and try not to think about everything going on.

It occurs to me that this week might be the perfect time for Kenna’s new boyfriend to sweep her off her feet, but I can’t think about that right now. My jealousy and my feelings for my children’s nanny are secondary to keeping my family together. No matter how she testifies, I need to make sure that we’re okay.

I call Loxton first.

“Listen, do you think that you could be a character witness for me?” I ask.

“A character witness? What’d you do?” Loxton asks immediately, and I chuckle bitterly, low in the back of my throat.

“Married Suzanna Lodge,” I mutter. “She’s trying to take the kids.”

“Bullshit,” Loxton curses. “We won’t let that happen.”

I call Grayson next. He says yes immediately, too, inviting me to come and talk to him anytime.

“You know that I know what it’s like to have your kid taken from you,” he reminds me.

I sigh in relief. I knew they would testify, and I’m trying to get ahold of Logan, too, since they’ve all known me for longer than anyone that I work with. They’re really the only friend group I’ve ever had, and I really need them right now.

I spend the rest of the day giving out Brett Reynolds number to friends and colleagues and even a couple of daycare workers who have watched Maggie and Eli on a drop-in basis.

All I can do is pray that everything goes well.

The second day, I feel stir crazy, so I take the kids with me to Grayson’s. Maggie and Grayson’s son get along well, and Eli loves to hold the baby girl, so they’ll be distracted while we talk.

Maggie and Max run off to play with Max’s toys and Eli plops down, waiting to hold the baby. Lilian brings her over and puts her in his arms.

I manage to snap a couple of pictures before I go into Grayson’s office, leaving Lilian to keep an eye on the kids.

“She’s trying to take full custody?” Grayson asks.

“Can you believe it?”

He snorted. “Unfortunately, I can. Your alimony is about to dry up, right? And she seems to need to maintain a certain lifestyle. She seems like the type that wants everything a certain way, and if she needs to use the kids like that, too bad.”

“You’re right. I know you are. I just hope that the judge sees it that way too.”

“Derek, don’t worry. Reynolds is a shark. He was willing to track Lilian down and serve her with papers for me, but I never went through with it.”

“Lucky you,” I mutter.

Grayson smiles evenly. “Lucky me, it all worked out in the end. It will for you, too.” He pauses, looking at me. “What about your nanny situation? Do you think she’ll tell the whole truth?”

I wince. “I think that’d be pretty damaging to my case, so I hope not. I hope she keeps our personal life private.”

Grayson raises a groomed eyebrow. “Your personal life? Are you still sleeping with her?”

“God, no,” I say, although I’ve certainly been thinking about it. I guess you could say, given my fantasies when I’m alone, that I’m sleeping with her in my head.

“I’m glad you figured it out and she didn’t quit. I know how much you need the help.”