Secretly, I hope it’s a little girl that looks just like my beautiful wife.

Eli and Maggie run around the resort for a few hours while Kenna and I get settled, unpacking everything.

She winces a bit when she picks up the luggage and I take it from her immediately.

“You aren’t supposed to be picking anything up,” I scold, and Kenna scoffs.

“It’s just a bag,” she mutters, but I don’t let her do any of the other unpacking.

When we’re all settled, the kids are chomping at the bit to go to Disneyland and Kenna’s a little grumpy because she’s hungry.

We eat at a Disney themed pizza restaurant and take lots of pictures. Eli has his tongue out in nearly all of them.

By the time we get to the rides, Kenna’s less grumpy but still pouty because she can’t ride any of the rides.

Eli and Maggie run off to the teacups and I wait with Kenna, sitting with her on a bench and holding her hand.

“Did you think it’d be this crazy, when we decided to do this?” I ask, and she smiles.

“This family is always crazy. It’s one of the things I love most about it,” she assures me, and leans over to kiss my cheek.

Then she stands as Eli and Maggie get off the ride and I watch as her light-colored jeans get darker. Her eyes widen and I swallow hard.

“Your water just broke, didn’t it?” I ask quietly, freaking out but not wanting to upset the kids.

“Yep,” she says simply, staring at me with big blue eyes. “What do I do, Derek?”

“We grab the kids and go to the hospital. Don’t worry, sweetheart,” I tell her. The kids nearly throw a fit when I tell them we have to go.

“We’ll come back soon,” I assure them. “But right now, your baby brother or sister is coming.”

It’s total chaos at the hospital, with Eli and Maggie climbing all over the lobby chairs, but Kenna's parents show up after a few hours to watch them, and I all but sprint to the back so that I can be with Kenna.

She’s already panting, trying not to push and I stand next to her and take her hand. She squeezes it so hard I think that maybe the bones in my hands will break.

“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” I tell her gently, and she looks up at me with a frown.

“You did this to me,” she says hoarsely, and I choke back a laugh.

“I did,” I say sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re not sorry,” she hisses, and then the doctor comes in.

“I’m afraid the baby appears to be breach,” he says, and Kenna goes pale.

“Does that mean a c-section?” she asks, and he slowly nods.

“Fuck,” I curse. “Can I come with her.”

“Are you the daddy?” he asks.

“I certainly am,” I answer proudly.

I hold her hand the whole time and Kenna looks up at me gratefully. “Can you look down and watch?” she whispers to me. “I want to make sure the baby’s okay.”

It’s bloody and horrible and I think I might faint but I watch as my third child is born.

“It’s a girl,” the doctor says when the baby is taken out, and I’m just so grateful that Kenna is okay and the baby is crying heartily that I could cry.