Maggie groans. “Oh,no,not another brother,” she whines, and we all break into a laugh together.

I’ve never been happier in my life.



Kenna’s parents take the news better than I expected, although they’re confused at first. My mother tells me she always knew something was going on with that nanny of mine, and I can’t help but laugh.

Everyone’s at the wedding, even Logan, although he’s circling around Meredith like a shark, and I’m not sure what’s going on with the two of them.

Grayson is my best man and Logan and Loxton are groomsmen, and Kenna makes Maggie a flower girl while Eli is the ring-bearer.

Cherie, her maid of honor, has a twinkle in her eyes when she tells me that she knew I’d come around.

When Kenna comes down the aisle, glowing with her belly swollen with my baby, I almost lose it, wiping tears from my eyes. This is the second time I’ve been married but this is different. This iswonderful,and it feels like I’m doing it for the first time.

Kenna pouts at the reception.

“I can’t believe I’m getting married without champagne,” she whines.

I laugh. “I got some bubbly apple cider for you.”

Her blue eyes light up. “Really?”

I pour her a glass, clinking it with my own. “I’m not drinking, either.”

I want to be clear. I want to remember this day for the rest of my life.

Frank, Kenna’s father, was a bit skeptical at first, because of the age difference and my whole baggage, but he knows I’m a good husband and a good father, since of course I was married to his sister.

“You take care of her and my grandchild,” he says firmly after the daddy and daughter dance, and there are still tears streaking down his face.

“I will,” I promise.

The wedding was beautiful, the reception was a hit and I spared no expense on the honeymoon either.

It’s not quite a traditional honeymoon.

We take the kids to Disneyland, and Maggie and Eli fight the whole way there.

“Remind me why we did this again?” I say, frustrated, and Kenna just giggles.

“Because we love our kids and we want to be with them all the time,” she says.

“Promise me we get a wedding night just to ourselves when we get home,” I growl, and Kenna smiles and puts her hand on my knee.

“I’ve already talked to my parents about it,” she says under her breath as Eli screams that Maggie stole his dinosaur.

“You don’t evenlikedinosaurs, Maggie, please,” I groan, and Kenna pats my knee.

“Let’s sing a song, kids,” she suggests, and then the sounds of ‘Wheels on the Bus’ ring in my ears as we make the rest of the drive.

It’s a lot better than their screaming. Kenna is still amazing with the kids.

Maggie started calling her Mama, like Eli, the day we told them we were getting married.

We haven’t found out the sex of the baby yet because Kenna wants it to be a surprise, but Maggie is praying that it’s a girl instead of a boy. Kenna and I don’t care either way, as long as they’re healthy, of course.