“Shit,” I curse.

“When can we see her?” Frank asks, and his wife shakes her head.

“I don’t know.”

She looks over at me. “Thank you so much for calling, Derek. You can take the kids home now.”

I stand there for a long moment, wanting to stay but not knowing how to explain why I want to stay.

I pick up Eli and Maggie, one on each hip, and start to leave, but that’s when Eli loses it.

“We can’t leave Mama!” he screams, and Maggie nods.

“We can’t leave her,” she says firmly, and I feel lost.

“You’re welcome to stay,” Frank says, and I slowly put the kids down, comforting Eli briefly as he leans against his sister, tired from the ordeal of being in the hospital and everything that happened earlier.

What am I going to do? Stuck here with my ex’s family and my kids, not knowing whether Kenna is okay or not?

It’s driving me crazy. I want to see her. Ineedto see her. I feel so helpless. I can't go home without her, especially with Eli so worried about her.

“How’s Kenna been doing?” Frank asks, clearly nervous and needing to talk about something that isn’t about how sick his daughter might be.

“She’s amazing,” I say honestly. “She’s wonderful with the kids.”

“She’s always loved kids,” he says softly. ”Always wanted some of her own.”

“She’s so young,” I marvel, but Frank laughs.

“Ken is an old soul. Always has been. She took on so much responsibility when she was young, taking care of her brother and sister."

I hum, not quite knowing what to say. Kennaismature, after all, but she’s so young to want kids. I hadn't even been near thinking about kids when I was a senior in college.

I leave the kids in their care for just a moment while I go to grab everyone some coffee, and when I return, the doctor is there, talking to Frank.

“She does have viral meningitis, but it’s...a little more difficult with her situation,” he says.

“What situation?” my mother asks.

The doctor flips through his paperwork. “I’m sorry, I’m not at liberty to do anything but give updates on her condition. Right now we’re giving her IV antibiotics and she should rally. We just have to keep an eye on her.”

Her situation?What is that supposed to mean? Has Kenna been sick?

“When can we see her?” Frank asks.

“In a few hours, when she’s gotten some rest,” the doctor says. “She’s suffering from exhaustion on top of the fever, and we need her more stable before visitors.”

Frank slumps slightly and I clear my throat, handing out coffees.

“Thank you,” Kenna’s mother says, and I’m wishing that I could remember her name. It’s been years since I’ve met her, and I feel slightly guilty for not allowing the kids to know some of their cousins.

I guess when Suzanna left, I just wanted to get away from her entirely.

“We need to get home,” I tell Maggie, because Eli has finally dropped off to sleep, and she pouts, looking up from the coloring book she’s been showing Kimberly.

“We’re leaving Kenna?”

Her words feel like little arrows in my heart, because I don’t want to leave, either. I want to see her, to make sure she’s okay, but her family is here and they deserve to see her. Also, I can’t explain that I’m in love with their daughter, which is why I’m so invested.