“I only regret things Ididn’tdo,” I say.

He grunts. “Like all those guys you didn’t sleep with in high school?”

I giggle. “Some of them,” I say, wiggling back against him.

Derek grabs my hip tightly and leans down to bite my shoulder, making me moan. He pulls away, seeming satisfied.

“I don’t regretthat,” I continue. “It’s more the things I didn’t do. All the parties I never attended.”

He scoffs. “You think I went to parties?”

I twist my head around to look at him. “Didn’t you?”

Derek shrugs. “A couple, I guess, with Grayson and Loxton. But they’re stupid parties. Especially rich people parties.”

I grin. “Rich people parties? Aren’t you a rich person?”

“Yeah, now,” he says. “I wasn’t always.”

I frown. “Your parents, they didn’t have money?”

“Not like Grayson or Loxton,” he says.

“They’re your friends?” I ask, enamored by him. He never talks this much, and I’m eating every word up.

“I grew up with them. Well, mostly. I’m a few years older, but I never much hung around with kids from high school or anything. I guess Logan and I were close, and Grayson and Loxton were. It was just the way things were.”

“Back in the Paleolithic Era?” I joke.

Derek groans. “Don’t remind me.”

“I can’t evenimagineyou in high school,” I admit. Derek seems like he’s always been this way, always been this stubborn, always looked just like this with gray in his hair and his jaw set, seeming so intimidating until he smiles.

“That’s because you were a fetus when I was in high school,” he pokes at my hip with one finger, making me twist because it’s ticklish.

I shift so that I can face him, brushing my nose against his. Derek doesn’t move away, and it encourages me.

“Is that when you met my aunt?” I ask softly, and for a long moment he doesn’t answer and I think he won’t answer.

Derek finally just nods.

“Was there ever anyone else?” I ask, not sure what I want the answer to be.

“Not really. Here and there, but mostly after she left.”

“So, she was your first,” I say, and some part of me hates it. Some part of me hates that he was with her and especially hates what she did to him. But I guess if she hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t be this happy.

“Doesn’t matter,” he mutters.

“You think your first doesn’t matter?”

“Not if you don’t let it matter,” he says matter-of-factly, and I frown, feeling almost offended. I don’t know how to express myself without sounding like some little girl with a crush, though, so I keep my mouth shut.

I want to enjoy this, and we have one more kid-free night, so I’m not going to make him answer the hard questions if he doesn’t want to.

“I would offer to make dinner, but I’m sure you’re pretty tired of Mickey Mouse pancakes,” I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

Derek snorts. “How about we just order pizza?”