Cherie gasped. “You’re not a hooker.”

“That’s what I said!” I exclaim. “I don’t think he means anything by it, he’s just really a good father, Cher, you have no idea. He’s a really good guy and I just wish he liked me.”

I pout a little, and Cherie reaches across the table to take my hands.

“Any guy would be lucky to hook up with you, Kenna. Maybe you’re just one of those people, you know?”

“What people?”

“You know, one of those girls where your heart lies in your...” she gestures down.

I laugh, covering my face for a moment and peeking at her through my fingers. “You mean, someone who gets attached easily once things get physical?”

“Yeah, exactly.”

I feel even more gloomy after hearing that. “Yeah, I think I am,” I admit. “And I really like him, but now I feel rejected.”

“So, what did you do about it? What did you say?”

I shrug. “Nothing. I need the job, and I love those kids already. He needs my help.” I pause. “But I did kind of imply that you were a guy taking me out on a date.”

“Good girl,” Cherie says with a grin, ordering us another round of margaritas.

“I’m going to have to stay with you tonight if you keep buying me those,” I hiccup.

“Absolutely not. You’re going to go back to his place tipsy. That way, he’ll think you had a great time with your boytoy,” Cherie suggests.

“You think so?” I ask her, already on my way to tipsy. I don’t drink much, usually.

“Definitely. You have to learn to play the game, Kenna.”

“But isn’t this a childish game? Shouldn’t I want him to see how mature I am?”

“Sure, on both accounts. But you also need him to see you are not a safe thing that will just sit around and wait for him to make up his mind.”

To my tipsy brain, her logic makes sense, so I just relax and enjoy the rest of our time together.

When time comes to go home, neither of us is okay to drive. We ate throughout the night, so when we’re done, we are not completely wasted, as I thought we would be. I don’t even feel as unsteady on my feet.

Instead of calling a cab, though, Cherie calls her boyfriend, Nolan, to take us both home. His eyes nearly bulge out of his head as he pulls up to the gate of Derek’s mansion.

When the intercom buzzes and Derek asks who it is in a hoarse voice, I know he’s been asleep and I wince, leaning forward to speak into it.

Cherie kicks the back of my seat. “Let Nolan do it,” she hisses.

I blink, not understanding at first, and then giggling to myself as I understand. She wants Derek to think I really did go out with a guy, even though it was just Cherie.

I’ve got enough alcohol in me to do it, so I let Nolan speak.

He clears his throat. “Uh, dropping off Kenna?”

Derek goes deadly silent and then the gates open wide.

Cherie laughs almost maniacally in the backseat as we pull up to the driveway. Derek doesn’t come outside, and I wave goodbye at Cherie and Nolan as I stumble up the stairs. I manage to right myself before letting myself in with the key, and then nearly have a heart attack.

Derek’s sitting in the living room in the dark.

“You’re late,” he says flatly, and I roll my eyes, anger rising in me.