
I told her six, and it’s past seven. I really didn’t intend to ruin her plans, it’s just that with the day I had, everything seemed to go slower than normal.

“Sorry,” I mutter as I walk into the house, but Kenna doesn’t glare at me, just smiles.

“No problem. My friend’s picking me up in a few minutes.”

I glance toward the driveway, wondering if I can catch a glance of this guy when he pulls up. Do I even want to?

Do I want to see the guy who might have his hands all over Kenna later? I don’t think so.

It’s probably better if I just go on inside and spend time with my kids.

“Have a good night,” I tell her at the door, watching her smile fade just slightly as I walk inside. Maggie and Eli are putting together a puzzle on the floor, something I could never get them interested in before.

I sit down on the floor with them and focus on the puzzle pieces, my jaw twitching only a little when I hear a car pull up and then drive away.

Kenna’s going on a date tonight, I think once more, and then push it out of my mind.

“How many pieces do we have left, kiddos?”



I’m lost in my own thoughts when my friend snaps, finally pulling me out of my own head.

“Kenna, it’s not like I’m an attention whore or anything, but you’ve been kind of ignoring me since I picked you up.”

I sigh and bang my forehead lightly on the table. We’re at a booth at a chain restaurant where we go to get happy hour drinks and appetizers.

Cherie giggles. “You’re going through it.”

“Shut up,” I mumble. “But yeah, I am.”

“What’s going on? You’ve got this cushy job now...that place is amansion, Kenna. How did you get it?”

“I met the dad at a coffee shop,” I tell her, lifting my head. “And he’s like...stupid gorgeous.”

Cherie’s brown eyes light up. “Oh yeah? Do tell.”

He’s big and wide and has these green eyes...” I groan. “And...and he kissed me.”

“Hewhat?” Cherie squeals, and I can’t help but laugh at her expression.

I lean across the table, sipping more of my happy hour margarita for liquid courage. “Not only that. I, um, I lost my virginity.”

“To thedad?” Cherie screeches, and I reach across the table to cover her mouth with my hand.

“Tell the whole restaurant, why don’t you?”

“I’m sorry, Kenna. I’m justsurprised,”she insists. “Not to be a bitch but you were always kind of...well, a prude.”

“Youbitch,” I breathe, but then I laugh. I don’t mean it. Cherie and I have been friends since high school, so I know I can tell her anything.

Cherie laughs along with me. “I know! I’m sorry. So, you slept with the dad of the kids you’re nannying for. Youlivethere. Are you gonna hook up with him again?”

“Here’s the thing,” I say gloomily. “He doesn’t want me. He said it was a mistake, apologized, even tried to pay me off.”