“I guess you could say that,” I chirp, and then look at him over my shoulder. “Are you staying for breakfast?”

“No. Better not,” he says. “Have...have a good day,” he says awkwardly, and then strides back out into the living room and out the door.

I blink, surprised that had worked like I wanted it to. The only thing I know about men I’ve learned from either my mother or my best friend Cherie. Cherie always says that even if a man doesn’t want you, he damn sure doesn’t want anyone else to have you. I know this is childish and I shouldn’t be misleading him like this, but how else am I supposed to make him realize he wants me. How else am I supposed to know if he actually does?

I sigh.

I hate resorting to such underhanded techniques, but I have to dosomething.



Kenna’s going on a date tonight.

The words repeat themselves in my head as I try to work. I’m not getting anything done, and I have a meeting with clients at four. Part of me hopes that I get caught up and don’t make it home by six, so that Kenna won’t be able to go on her date, but that isn’t fair.

Is it?

Just because we hooked up one time doesn’t mean Iownher. But all I can think about today is her smile, her bright blue eyes. She looks like a little Barbie doll sometimes, especially in that getup she was wearing this morning, all long legs and cleavage...

I shift in my office chair, uncomfortable. I have way too much to do today to be worried about Kenna Lodge, but that’s what I’m thinking about.

I’ve been a total bear at the office all morning, barking orders and snapping at people, especially my secretary when she messed up my lunch order. I should apologize.

I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of that lately, apologizing. Is that why Kenna is going on this date? Is she angry that I apologized? Surely, she didn’t take that as some kind of rejection.

Because it isn’t a rejection. But does it sound that way? I took advantage of her kind nature and her naïve personality. I’m the bad guy here, but not for the reasons she’s thinking.

I wonder if I should explain myself to her when my secretary, Shyla, pops her head in my door.

“Boss?” she asks hesitantly.

I favor her with a big smile, knowing that I’ve been an ass all morning. “Come in, Shyla. Sit down.”

She looks at me warily, her brown eyes wide and untrusting, but she slowly walks inside and sits down across from me at the table.

“Two things,” she starts, and then I hold up a hand to stop her.

“First, I want to apologize. I know I've been a jerk today. I just... have a lot on my mind.”

Shyla nods, finally smiling a bit. “It’s okay, Mr. Ledderman. Don’t even think about it.”

I sigh in relief. “I’m glad you’re so forgiving.”

She grins. “If you pay for my lunch, I’ll be even more forgiving.”

“Consider it done,” I say, looking at my watch. “You can take your break now, use my credit card, the one you have on file. Order whatever you like.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ledderman.” Her shoulders have relaxed, and it seems as if she really has forgiven me. “Just two things before I go. You have your meeting at four with Bradshaw Hospitality.”

I inwardly groan but don’t say anything. Meeting with Logan Bradshaw’s father about doing a marketing campaign for his hotel and hospitality business isn’t high up on my list of favorite things to do, but it’s a big account and Logan probably doesn’t know anything about it. He’s gone into the family business but he works in an office out of state, after all. He’d gotten off the West Coast as soon as he could.

“Yes, I remember,” I answer.

“And someone’s been calling the office, leaving messages for you to call back? They won’t leave a name, so I haven’t patched them through.”

I frown. “Oh yeah?”