I hope that isn’t our last kiss.

I shake my head, sitting up in the bath. Of course that’s going to be our last kiss. There’s nothing more to do. It’s not like we coulddate. He wouldn’t want to. He’s not interested in me like that, particularly because I’m related to his ex-wife.

Plus, he’s a good deal older than me. He probably thinks of me as some little girl playing house with his kids. The thought depresses me, but in the end, I know it’s the right thing to do to push it out of my mind.

I’d kissed him back, after all, and I shouldn’t have.

I trail my hand along my breasts, palming over my nipples, and wonder what Derek’s mouth would feel likethere. Or maybe lower, past my hip bone, down to the apex between my legs…

I trail my hand down there, too, and gasp when I slide across the button that I know is meant for pleasure, even though I’ve never really explored there.

Just as I’m about to touch there again, explore more, someone bangs on the bathroom door.

“Hurry up, my back teeth are floating!” my teenage brother screams, and boom, there goes the mood.

I sigh and get up out of the bathtub, drying off and throwing on a pair of sweats and an old T-shirt of my dad’s, and plop back down on the bed with my hair still wet.

This is why I hate living with my parents. Can’t even daydream about kissing my boss in peace. Part of me can’t wait to go back to Derek’s. The other part... well, that part hopes he might kiss me again.

It’s a complicated place, my head.



The weekend goes by somehow too quicklyandtoo slowly. I love spending all the time with the kids, particularly because I feel since Kenna moved in, I don’t see them as much. That’s just because I’m back at work, though, and God knows I need to be back at work.

I definitely don’t need to spend any more time at home when Kenna’s going to be there. I’m afraid to be alone with her, really. I need to talk to her, to apologize again, but I also don’t want to bring it up anymore. I hate that I took advantage of her kind nature, and that isn’t like me. I keep work at work and home at home, and I always have.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Maybe I should listen to Grayson and Loxton when they try to set me up with various women. Maybe it would help and I wouldn’t kiss my nanny in the kitchen.

I sigh and heft up a sleeping Eli on one hip. It’s Sunday evening and Kenna should be returning any minute.

She uses her key to get in the door as I’m halfway up the stairs taking Eli to bed.

“Let me take him,” she says, hurrying up the stairs and grabbing him from my arms. It feels like an electric tingle when she touches my hand taking him, but I ignore it, smiling at her.

“I let them stay up too late,” I admit sheepishly, and Kenna chuckles.

“That’s your right as their Dad.”

She takes Eli up the stairs and I follow her as she tucks him into bed. He wakes up and smiles at her sleepily.

“Kenna, sing me the song,” he says, and I can’t stop watching from the doorway.

Kenna looks toward the doorway and I move out of her line of sight, not wanting to embarrass her. She begins to sing in a clear voice, lower than I would have expected.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray...”

Her voice is beautiful and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. I’m exhausted from being up late with the kids and waking up at six this morning because Kenna has the kids on such a good sleep schedule, but it all seems worth it right now.

I’ve done the right thing, hiring Kenna.

She brushes past me when she leaves Eli’s room and she jumps, startled, with her hand on her chest.

“Oh, you scared me,” she murmurs, chuckling.