Who wouldn’t? He’s very handsome and sweet, and a great father. Any woman would have trouble living with such a man and not developing a crush. It’s definitely not my fault.

I pull up at my parents’ with my little overnight bag and my mom hugs me tightly at the door.

“I’m so glad you’re home; we’ve missed you around here,” she says.

“I’ve only been gone a week, Mom,” I say dryly, but she kisses my cheek.

“Still. How is your job going?”

“It’s wonderful. The kids are great,” I say honestly.

“And Derek? He isn’t an overbearing boss, is he? He seems to have that vibe.”

I shake my head. ”No, not at all.” And he hasn’t been. He’s very professional, which is why I was so surprised when he kissed me.

I’m still surprised, still floored, honestly, but it doesn’t matter. It will never happen again. Why does that make my heart sink, though? It’s just a crush. I’ll get over it.

“That’s good to hear. I was afraid he would judge you for what your aunt did,” my mother says, ushering me into the house where she’s made breakfast. I can smell the bacon in the air and I’m suddenly ravenous.

I’m chowing down on my bacon, eggs, and toast when my mother looks at me curiously.

“Don’t you think it’ll be hard, having a social life while you live at that big mansion?” she asks.

She and my father had helped me move in my things, and they were both just as awed as I was at the sight of the mansion.

I shrug. “Never had much of a social life before.”

My mother sighs. “I know. You haven’t made any strides in giving me grandchildren.”

I choke on my toast. “Mom, please,” I groan.

“I’m serious,” she says. ”I know that you’re still so young, but by the time I was your age—”

“I know, I know. You told me all about how you met Dad and it was love at first sight. You wanted him immediately, so you went after him. Dad was shy and reserved and you had to fight to get him to realize that you were interested in him. A year later, you guys were married and I was on the way.”

She sighs, smiling. Maybe even reliving a few of those moments for a second or two. “I’m just saying, honey. Keep your heart open,” she pleads.

“It’s open,” I insist, shoveling more food into my mouth. My mother’s breakfast is one of the only things I miss about living here. “I just want to focus on my career for now.”

“And you’re doing great, sweetie,” my mother praises. “Just don’t forget to have a little fun, too, okay?”

I smile at her after swallowing my food. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask.”

She busies herself with cleaning up since my brother and sister have already eaten and went off to school. We’re alone in the house and I’m not quite sure how to fill up the awkward silence, at least not without talking about grandkids, so I go up to my room.

I lie down on the bed and look up at the ceiling. All I can think about is Derek’s mouth, the way he’d slid his tongue against mine. I’m going to go crazy.

I huff out a breath and run myself a hot bath, hoping that the steam will clear my head. I even light myself a candle. I like to go all out when it comes to my own self-care.

I’m not one of those high-maintenance girls, even though I think they’re beautiful. I don’t wear much makeup or buy designer clothes or anything like that. I do enjoy a good skincare routine and my baths, though, and they’re usually relaxing.

I don’t feel relaxed when I undress and slip into the water, though. I feel antsy, like something’s crawling around under my skin. My skin feels flushed all over and not just from the hot water. My nipples peak above the water and I bite my lip.

It’s not like I’ve never been aroused before, but I have virtually no experience with men. I’d never been kissed before Derek kissed me, unless you count a peck on the cheek, and I certainly don’t. I don’t even really touch myself. I’ve never had what amounts to an orgasm, and I wouldn’t know how to do it even if I tried.

So, I remain sexually frustrated, especially because I can’t stop thinking about Derek’s green eyes, his generous mouth. God, I hope I wasn’t a bad kisser.