“You’re doing so good, but turn your hand over and press up until you feel a different texture.”

She fumbles for a moment, but in no time she finds my G-spot. “There! Right fucking there.”

I’m rutting against her hand at this point, but it’s not enough. Not nearly enough.

“Two more fingers, baby.” Her eyes widen, and I know exactly what she’s about to ask. “Yes, I’m sure.”

She slowly nods before she pulls her fingers out, and immediately plunges all four inside with little nuance, but fuck if it doesn’t feel amazing.

“Oh fuck yeah, just like that.”

My orgasm is pushed closer as I watch my desire drip down her arm. Her hand is so small that it’s just barely enough. I know I can take more, but I’m scared I’ll freak her out.

Fuck it!

Her hand is wet enough, and I’m soaked, so I know she won’t hurt me.

“It feels so fucking good, but I want more.”

Pure confusion mars her pretty face. “How?” she asks.

“Your whole hand.” I'm begging at this point, but I don’t even care. “Please.”

She pulls her hand out and looks back and forth between her hand and my cunt. It would be hilarious and adorable if I wasn’t so desperate. I grab her hand and shape it so all five fingers are pinched together creating a cone shape. “Just like that.”

She’s freaked out, I can tell, but she still gently pushes her fingers inside.

She freezes. “But what if I hurt you?”

I shake my head. “You won’t hurt me, it’s gonna feel so fucking good.”

I can tell she doesn’t believe me, but she does it anyway, and my fucking God. I see stars as she steadily pushes deeper when I tell her to keep going until only her wrist is visible.

“Fuck me!”

It’s slow at first but once she realizes how much I’m enjoying it, she grows faster until her thrusts are almost punishing but in the best possible way. I’m so lost, I don’t notice her until I feel her lips wrap around my clit. And when she sucks so hard, I almost black out before I’m catapulted into completion.

“Yes! Baby girl, yes!” As the pleasure drains, I smirk as I watch her at odds. “What’s the matter, hummingbird?”

She won’t look up. Just steadily staring at my pussy where her hand is still buried deep. “Do I just pull it out?”

I giggle, making her smile. “Very carefully.”

Ever so slowly, she begins twisting her hand free. I’m so sensitive, I jolt with every movement. The squelches that sound impossibly loud have her blushing and me laughing. I’m not embarrassed in the least. It’s only proof of what this girl does to me. I’ve never been fisted without lube before, and it was totally unnecessary with her. It never felt that good. Further proof that this girl was made for me.

Chapter Twenty Five

? Sakura ?

I awake to the warm sun on my face. I stretch luxuriously beneath the silky sheets that move across the entirety of my body because I’m as naked as the day I was born. My skin is still sensitive, especially my nipples that ache and my pussy feels needy. But when I reach for Essie, the other side of her bed is chilled.

I sit up abruptly, one hundred percent awake, knowing I’m alone. But I sigh with relief when I spy a piece of paper sticking up from beneath her pillow. Just like with everything else about her, her handwriting is lovely, practically calligraphy.

My little hummingbird,

There was an emergency, and they called in all hands on deck. Not to worry. I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, please follow the list of instructions I left on the kitchen counter.

Yours, Estrella