Page 103 of Playing With My Fire

Lord knows Sakura didn’t pick a goddamn thing about this day, but he’s right in that you can’t deny that her mother has good taste. It’s a shame she’s such a controlling shrew.

I’m about ready to put my truck in reverse. “I think this was a mistake.”

Caleb stops me with his hand on mine covering the gear shift. “For once in your life, will you just follow your heart?”

I suck in a ton of air. “But what if she doesn’t want me?”

He snorts and shakes his head. “You’re ridiculous.”

I offer a droll glare. “Thanks. You really know how to uplift a gal.”

He mirrors my expression. “Everyone and their brother knows that girl is head over heels in love with you.”

I bite my lip. “Love isn’t everything. She may still pick her mother’s control over her own happiness.”

He nods slowly. “And that’s a bullet you’re gonna have to bite.” We sit in silence for a few minutes before I open my mouth, but he railroads right over me. “Estrella Ortiz, you get your ass in that church and get your girl.”

I gape. “When did my submissive friend become so bossy?”

“The minute you needed me to. Now, go on.”

Resolution flows through my veins as I march into that church with every intention of objecting to this marriage.

The wind in my sails all but disappears when I find an empty sanctuary. Was I wrong about the church? The date? The time? Then I realize it’s not totally empty. That a lone figure sits in the front pew. A beautiful girl in a pretty, ethereal dress. She looks like an angel, and she takes my breath away.


She jerks, surprised as she turns in her seat to stare at me in awe. “Essie? What are you doing here?”

I go to her, wild horses couldn’t keep me away, until I’m kneeling before her in supplication. “Would you believe me if I said to stop the wedding?” I glance around at all the decor. “Looks like I’m too late.”

My heart hammers painfully. Please don’t let me be too late.

“Wedding’s canceled,” she states glibly.

I hold my breath because she can’t be saying what I hope she’s saying? “You stopped it?”

A bark of laughter breaks free from her gorgeous red mouth that I desperately want to kiss. “Actually, my groom left me at the altar.”

“You’re serious?” I gasp.

“Turns out he was in love with his best man.”

My own laughter joins her because of all the ways this could’ve turned out, I can honestly say I never saw that coming.

It’s all running through my bewildered head when her tiny hand cups my cheek. “Did you mean it? Did you really come here to stop my wedding?”

I lean into her palm before turning to kiss it. “Yeah, baby girl. I can’t let you go.”

She laughs again, but it turns into a sob. “I thought you hated me. I thought I lost you forever.”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her down onto my lap so we’re sprawled on the floor.

My mouth whispers across hers. “I could never hate you. You’re my everything.” Then, I kiss her so she knows without a doubt that I am never letting her go. “Tell me I get to keep you this time.” My voice is laced with desperation.

She leans back, looks deep into my eyes. “I was always yours.”

I press our foreheads together and ask the question I’ve been dreading. “And what about your folks? What will your mom say?”